

You Shape UCL


Student Quality Reviewers

Student Quality Reviewers work with departments across UCL to examine different areas of academic practice. They help improve how »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËorks by giving detailed feedback and analysis.

As a Student Quality Reviewer, you get the chance to look ‘behind the scenes’ at how parts of UCL run, in order to help staff develop education in different departments.

As well as developing research, critical thinking and leadership skills, you’ll also receive a stipend of £150.

What can I review?

There are five areas you can look at as a Student Quality Reviewer:Ìý

  • Review teaching by acting as a Student Reviewer of Teaching Practice, working with teaching staff to discuss and reflect on their teaching practice.
  • Partner with an academic department by acting as a Student Reviewer for an Internal Quality Review; a two-day panel review of a department. Each department undergoes one every five years.
  • Review new programmes at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË by acting as a Student Reviewer for the Programme and Module Approval Panel, which scrutinises new programmes before they’re launched.
  • Assess how departments use data to make changes, as a facilitator for an Annual Student Experience Review.
  • Check the inclusivity of curricula, by acting as a Student Curriculum Partner, and provide a student view on how teaching can include more diverse perspectives.Ìý

What is the time commitment?Ìý

Between 15 and 20 hours per term, including training.Ìý

How do I become a Reviewer?Ìý

has all of the details on how to apply to be a Student Quality Reviewer.Ìý