

UCL Urban Laboratory


»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Survey

In 2015 we asked the 120+ students who had completed the MSc to complete a survey. Below are some key findings.

A selection of roles undertaken by our graduates: Editor of a business magazine, broadcast journalist, programme and research lead at Future of London, product developer, lawyer, preservation researcher, research and management officer, site-specific theatre co-ordinator, auditor, artist, strategy designer, planner in urban redevelopment authority, community coordinator for the Guardian, digital communication officer for UK civil service, planning professional in private consultancy, recruitment consultant, urban researcher in Johannesburg, station capacity planner, creative writer, marketing business analyst for Transport for London, project and new service development manager for a community health organisation, marketing & communications manager, assistant private secretary UK government, news editor and satellite coordinator, research and support officer for GLA, information officer for charity, intern at United Nations, project and new service development manager for a community health organisation...

Different sectors in which our alumni work:

Graph - Public Sector 34%, Private Sector 34%, Academia 26%, Voluntary Sector 2%, Unemployed 4%

Percentage of alumni working in a job connected to Urban Studies:

Yes 76%, No 12%, Unsure 12%

We asked our alumni: ‘What one academic book would you recommend to students starting the MSc?’Ìý

These books were recommended by more than one person:

  • Michael de Certeau - The Practice of Everyday Life
  • Henri Lefebvre - The Production of Space
  • David Harvey - Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution
  • Jonathan Raban - Soft City
  • Jennifer Robinson - Ordinary Cities

These were some other responses:

  • Matthew Gandy - Concrete and Clay
  • Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse and Margit Mayer - Cities for People not for Profit
  • Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin - Splintering Urbanism
  • Nigel Thrift and Ash Amin - Cities: Reimagining the Urban
  • Kevin Lynch - The Image of the City
  • Donna Haraway - Cyborg Manifesto
  • David Harvey - The Limits to Capital
  • Chantal Mouffe – on the political
  • Fran Tonkiss - Space, the City and Social Theory
  • Marshal Berman - All that is Solid Melts into Air
  • Matthew Gandy (ed.) - Urban Constellations
  • Marshal Berman - On the Town
  • Nicholas Blomley - Unsettling the City
  • Ruth Glass (ed.) - London: Aspects of Change
  • Henri Lefebvre - Writing on Cities

38% UK, 35% EU, 27% Overseas