

UCL Urban Laboratory


Evance Mwathunga

Lead Collaborator, Making Africa Urban

evance mwathunga

Dr. Evance Mwathunga is a Human Geographer and an Urban Planner in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of Malawi’s Chancellor College. He holds a PhD in Geography and Environmental Studies from Stellenbosch University, South Africa and a Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning from Heriot-Watt University (UK). He has diverse research interests ranging from urban and regional planning, development and environmental geographies. He is recurrently researching two projects: the transcalar politics of large scale urban developments in Africa; and pathways to sustainability in post-industrial cities of the global South. He has also researched water governance, including borehole functionality; rural-urban linkages and energy geographies. He is a Visiting Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at Witwatersrand University (RSA) under the WITS-TUB Urban Lab Project and the Programme Coordinator for the MSc in water modelling and governance at the University of Malawi. Dr Evance Mwathunga serves as the Commissioner and the Chair of the policy and programmes subcommittee of the Malawi National Planning Commission. He also served as Chairperson of the Technical Sub-Committee of the Board of the Malawi Housing Corporation. He also worked as Head of Department of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of Malawi’s Chancellor College.

Role in the Making Africa Urban research project

Evance Mwathunga is one of the three collaborators on the project, leading the research team focussing on Lilongwe, Malawi. He will work with a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant and a PhD student based in Lilongwe, Malawi.


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