

UCL Urban Laboratory


Trans Urbanisms: Documenting and Creating Venues for Trans and Non-Binary Communities in London

27 January 2021

Seminar organised by Urban Lab co-director Ben Campkin, in partnership with The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain's (SAHGB) LGBTQ+ network. Feb 1st 6 - 7.30pm GMT

Pixellated Image of Kenwood Ladies' Bathing Pond, near to Hampstead, Camden, London, 21 April 2010

Hosted by the SAHGB LGBTQ+ network, this panel will introduce four initiatives that are concerned with the recognition, protection or creation of spaces for trans and non-binary communities in London. They will explore how these connect with or run counter to venues, neighbourhoods, urban processes and conceptions of heritage. Discussions of these four present-day activist and research projects will provoke reflection on how spaces associated with trans and non-binary communities relate to, or distinguish themselves from, other queer spaces in the past and present. In the context of the SAHGB's LGBTQ+ network, they will also discuss how the society can contribute to projects of trans architectural and urban history and heritage.

Online panel: presentations + discussion + Q&A

Lo Marshall – Troubled waters: the Hampstead Ladies' Pond in the 'Trans Debate'

Sebastian Buser – Trans-poiesis: musing on architectural history and discomfort

ShayShay, founder of The ShayShay Show & The Bitten Peach – Creating spaces trans & non-binary communities and the queer Asian community.

Jo Alloway, June Lam and Sophie Gwen Williams ­– We Exist