

UCL Urban Laboratory


Urban Lab Films: Brixton Conversations

03 May 2016, 6:30 pm–8:00 pm

Still from Brixton Conversations

Event Information

Open to



UCL Urban Laboratory


Room G02
The Bartlett School of Architecture
140 Hampstead Road
United Kingdom

Urban Lab Films present a screening of Brixton Conversations, a short film produced by the artist project in 2015.

Ten Brixtonites meet each other for a conversation about home, belonging and what heritage means to Brixton past and present. The five conversations reveal different perceptions of place, and the personal and communal connections they have found through living in Brixton. Reflecting through each other, the conversationalists often find common ground even through very different experiences of coming to Brixton.

The screening will act as a starting-point for a critical discussion about urban regeneration, rising land values, social displacement, and its social and psychological impacts in Brixton and more widely in London, two days before the city elects a new Mayor and London Assembly.

To discuss the themes, an expert panel chaired by (UCL Urban Laboratory) will be in discussion. Panellists include (University of Leicester), (Goldsmiths), and (Goldsmiths). A drinks reception will follow.


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Image: Still from 'Brixton Conversations'