

Teaching & Learning


Student Curriculum Partners Scheme

Learn more about the exciting initiatives and support you may be eligible for as a current »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË student, including paid opportunities such as the Student Curriculum Partners Scheme.


Research shows that an inclusive curriculum benefits all students.ÌýThe Student Curriculum Partners (SCP) scheme is an opportunity for students to provide their perspective on the inclusivity of modules at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË and shape the future learning experience. The aim of this scheme is to enhance the curriculum for all students however, this is particularly in relation to the following student groups:

  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity (BAME) students
  • Students with disabilities (including students with neurodivergence and long-term health conditions)
  • Mature students
  • Access UCL students
  • Care experienced and estranged students (CEES)

Students who successfully apply to the scheme are responsible for reviewing modules (that they have previously studied) in small groups, using a supporting guidance framework. This is an opportunity to share areas of good practice within the module that should be continued, as well as points and suggestions for improvement. Students then have the option of sharing their feedback directly with academic staff, or having their feedback shared anonymously via the Student Success team. The Student Success team will then work the relevant academic departments to facilitate change and monitor progress.

How do I get involved?

If you’re a student, applications to work as a Student Curriculum Partner are currently closed. The scheme will run again in Term 1 of academic year 2024-25 and module leads will contact eligible students when student reviewer applications open.

If you’re an academic staff member and would like to have your module (or other module(s) within your department) reviewed, or would like more information about the scheme, please contact the Student Success team (smss.studentsuccess@ucl.ac.uk). However, please note that the scheme will not run again until Term 1 of the academic year 2024-25.

Student FAQ

Who can work as a student curriculum partner?

The scheme is open to all undergraduate students who have studied a module that is taking part in the scheme. However, due to our funding requirements, we're especially looking for UK-domiciled students from the following groups:

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students Disabled students Mature students Access UCL students Care experienced and estranged students (CEES).

What does the role involve?
  • Attending a training session
  • Carrying out a review with fellow Student Curriculum Partners using a supporting guidance framework
  • Completing a written proforma (as a group) detailing your feedback
  • Discussing your feedback with the Student Success team ParticipatingÌýto share your feedback directly with the module convenors (this is not mandatory and your feedback will be anonymised should you not wish to participate)
  • Corresponding with the Student Success team, as required.
What is the time commitment?

The scheme requires no more than 16.5Ìýhours' work in total over a timespan of approximately 8Ìýweeks.

Will I get paid for taking part?

Yes, you'll be paid at grade 5.15 for up to 16.5 hours work.

What skills will I develop in this role?

The scheme is an opportunity for you to enhance your analysis, communication, and influencing skills. It is also an opportunity to meet other students and take part in work to improve the student experience for future cohorts of UCL students

Staff FAQ

What does the role involve for module convenors / academic departments?
  • Identifying modules to be reviewed within your department.
  • Sending out a promotional material provided by the Student Success teamÌýto students who have studied the relevant module(s) to encourage sign ups.
  • Attending a feedback meeting with the Student Success team to discuss the outcome of the Student Curriculum Partner’s review.
  • A commitment to consider and make appropriate changes to the module based on the review, and to attend a follow up meeting with the Student Success team to discuss progress made.

We also run tailored versions of the scheme with departments where module convenors have worked directly with students during the review process. This works well if you already have some ideas in mind about aspects of the curriculum you would like to enhance and are looking for student input on developing these changes. Please contact the Student Success team if you would like to discuss.

What is the time commitment?

The Student Success team manages the administration of the scheme. Whilst the scheme requires minimal administrative input from departments and module convenors, any changes you make as a result the feedback will require an additional time commitment.

Which faculties and departments have you worked with?

The scheme was launched in 2018/19 and has run with modules from Social and Historical Sciences (SHS), Life Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities, IOE, Medical Sciences, Maths and Physical Sciences (MAPS), and Engineering.

What kind of changes have students suggested and can I see examples of student reviews?

The suggestions from students have been wide-ranging, including but not limited to, expanding reading lists, updating course imagery, reconsidering module names, use of anonymous Moodle forums, broader contextualisation of course content, use of diverse case studies and scenarios, inclusion of trigger warnings and context disclaimers, changes to assessment and feedback, inclusion of a module glossary, reflection and acknowledgement of lecturer positionality, and addressing potentially problematic content (for example, which may reinforce existing stereotypes and bias). If you would like further information, please contact the Student Success team.