

UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy


UBEL PhD Studentships

Discover more about the UBEL DTP Science, Technology, Innovation and Prosperity pathway for ESRC PhD Studentships.

The Science, Technology, Prosperity and Innovation pathway is founded on leading-edge approaches to solving complex global challenges that cut across conventional academic disciplines, in order to create more sustainable, inclusive forms of prosperity. The aim of the pathway is to train future leaders in the fields of research, policy, innovation and technology who have knowledge and skills to work both within and across multiple domains of knowledge and practice, creating new ideas about the fundamentals of economic and social life, new forms of social and technological innovation, and new institutions and approaches to policy.

Besides the UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), the pathway spans UCL’s Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS), Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) and Birkbeck’s Centre for Innovation Management Research. The focus is the critical social scientific analysis of natural scientific, engineering and social scientific evidence production and use.

STEaPP students on this pathway follow the 4-year STEaPP Doctoral Training Programme.

Full details on eligibility and how to apply can be .