

Statistical Science


Dr Takoua Jendoubi

PositionLecturer in Statistical Data Science (Teaching)
Email (@ucl.ac.uk)t.jendoubi
Personal webpage
ThemesBiostatistics, Multivariate and High Dimensional Data

Photo of Dr Takoua Jendoubi
Biographical Details

Takoua is currently a Lecturer in Statistical Science in the department of Statistical Science at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and PGCert ULT recipient. Before, she was a Strategic Teaching Fellow in the department of Mathematics at Imperial College London. She did her PhD in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the same institution. Before coming to the UK, she was a research engineer at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in France.

Research Interests

Data Integration, Bayesian Statistics, Bayesian Nonparametrics, Probabilistic Models, Clustering, Association analysis.

Applications: Epidemiology, Genomics, Metabolomics, Multi-Omics data, Clinical Data, Systems Biology, Pathway analysis.

Selected publications

  • Jendoubi, T. and Ebbels, T.M., 2020. Integrative analysis of time course metabolic data and biomarker discovery. BMC bioinformatics, 21(1), pp.1-16.
  • Jendoubi, T. Approaches to Integrating Metabolomics and Multi-Omics Data: A Primer. Preprints 2021, 2021010521 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202101.0521.v1).
  • Jendoubi, T. and Ebbels, T.M., 2020. Integrative analysis of time course metabolic data and biomarker discovery. BMC bioinformatics, 21(1), pp.1-16.
  • Jendoubi, T. and Strimmer, K., 2019. A whitening approach to probabilistic canonical correlation analysis for omics data integration. BMC bioinformatics, 20(1), p.15.
  • Jendoubi, T .and Ebbels, T.M., 2017, Biomarker discovery via integrative analysis of longitudinal metabolic data, in AMLICD workshop NIPS 2017.