

UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Multidisciplinary Workshop on Contemporary Poland

21 May 2018, 10:00 am–4:30 pm


Event Information

Open to







UCL Wilkins Building South Wing, Room G11 (‘Common Ground’)

Following its 2016 and 2017 Workshops on Contemporary Poland, SSEES is hosting a multidisciplinary workshop at the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies. The workshop also constitutes the second meeting of the , a recently established UK-wide network of researchers. The workshop aims to provide a relaxed setting for researchers, at all stages in their academic careers, to exchange ideas about their work in progress with an academic and non-academic audience.

View Abstracts:


10.10-11.10 Politics in Poland

Anna Gwiazda (Kings College London) ‘Substantive representation of women in Poland: the Black Protests’

Karolina Follis (University of Lancaster) ‘Rejecting Refugees: Civil society, humanitarianism and the politics of fear in Poland’

11.10-11.30 Coffee

11.30-1.00 Polish society in the UK

Eva Duda-Mikulin (University of Bradford) ‘Precarious lives of Polish migrants post-Brexit vote’

Edyta Nowosielska (University of Cambridge) ‘“Polish” Third Culture Kids in the UK: challenges and advantages’

Sara Young (UCL Institute of Education) ‘I moved with my Mum and my brother, my Dad is in Poland’: the changing nature of the contemporary transnational Polish family’

1.00-1.40 Lunch

1.40-2.40 Social policy in comparative perspective

Sadie Bell (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) ‘Exploring vaccination behaviours and health service access amongst Romanian and Polish communities in England: a qualitative study.’

Marek Naczyk (University of Oxford) ‘A Boon to Stock Market Development? Financial Ideas, Reform Sequencing and the Divergent Fates of Pension Privatization in Hungary and Poland’

2.40-2.55 Tea

2.55-4.25 Representations and memory work

Jan Gryta (University of Manchester) ‘Local or transnational? Cosmopolitan memory work in the Schindler Factory in Kraków and its sources’

Mark Fryers and Joanna Rydzewska (University of East Anglia and Swansea University) ‘Did You Know that Ernst Stavro Blofeld was Polish?: On the Persistence of Eastern European Stereotypes; Or, What James Bond Has got to Do With It?’

Joanna Rzepa (Trinity College Dublin) ‘Language and the Politics of Memory: Jan Karski and Jan Gross in Translation’

4.30 Close

If you would like to attend, please email Anne White, Professor of Polish Studies, UCL SSEES, by 15 May. If you are a postgraduate student we may be able to subsidise your travel expenses even if you are not giving a paper.

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