

Short courses


Synthesising and Using Evidence in Medical and Healthcare Professionals' Education (Masterclass)

  • 7 hours
  • 1 day


This one-day course will help you to synthesise and use education research to inform practice, policy and research. It's designed for those involved in educating and training healthcare professionals.

It aims to help you develop your:

  • understanding of the key characteristics, purposes, strengths and weaknesses of systematic approaches to reviewing research literature
  • understanding of the principles and challenges of developing review questions and identifying, describing, appraising and synthesising research evidence for systematic reviews
  • ability to select review methods and approaches that are fit for purpose
  • ability to use different review methods and approaches

Course content

You'll examine and study the following:

  • Systematic approaches to reviewing research literature
  • How to set the scope of a review

You'll also do the following (in relation to medical and healthcare professionals' education and training):

  • Search for evidence about this field
  • Describe and critically appraise the research
  • Look at different approaches to synthesising the research
  • Design a systematic review of the evidence

Who this course is for

It's for anyone involved in the education and training of healthcare professionals. This includes supervisors, mentors, teachers, researchers and policy makers.

Entry requirements

You'll need experience and knowledge of healthcare professionals' education and training.

Learning outcomes

On completing this course you'll be able to:

  • formulate practice and policy challenges about healthcare professionals' education and training into research/review questions
  • apply principles of research systematically to address research/review questions
  • identify the key technical issues that need to be addressed at each stage of a review or research

Other benefits

This course is being offered by UCL faculty who collaborate in the London BEME International Collaborating Centre. The Centre is part of a global network of people interested in using evidence to further develop the education and training of medical and healthcare practitioners.

Structure and teaching

The course will use a workshop format with interactive discussions and structured exercises.

It will be run by faculty with expertise in both healthcare professionals' education and training and systematic review methods.

It's unique in its focus on the synthesis and use of evidence for medical and health professionals' education and training.

Course team

Dr Mark Newman

Dr Mark Newman

Mark's background includes health, social sciences and education and he's worked in the NHS as well as in higher education. His academic interests span three inter-related areas:

1. Developing methods and processes for and producing systematic reviews for policy and practice decision making across different areas of social policy including education

2. Capacity building amongst practitioners, researchers and policymakers to produce, critically appraise and use research evidence

3. Methods for the design and evaluation of effective learning environments in professional and clinical education

He combines these interests in his roles as a senior researcher in the EPPI-Centre, Programme Leader for the MA Clinical Education and as a doctoral supervisor.

Dr Sophie Park

Dr Sophie Park

Sophie is a sessional GP in Hertfordshire and a Principal Teaching Fellow at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Medical School.

Dr Henry Potts

Dr Henry Potts

Henry studied natural sciences as an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge before doing a PhD in health psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry (King's College, London) and an MSc in Applied Statistics at the University of Oxford. He initially worked for the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now Cancer Research UK) in Oxford, with his first position in health informatics being at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË's School of Public Policy.

He began an association with CHIME (Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education) in 2001, taking on a part-time contracted position in 2003 and moving there full-time in October 2004. In October 2010, he was promoted to Senior Lecturer. He's now deputy director of CHIME, which has become part of UCL's new Institute of Health Informatics.

Professor Scott Reeves

Professor Scott Reeves

Professor Scott Reeves is a social scientist who has been undertaking health professions education and health services research for over 20 years. His main interests are focused on developing conceptual, empirical and theoretical knowledge to inform the design and implementation of interprofessional education and practice activities. To date, he has received grant income from a range of funding bodies across the world. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, textbooks, editorials, commentaries and monographs. Many of his publications have been translated from English into other languages including French, German, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Course information last modified: 15 Jul 2024, 17:46