

SEAHA Centre for Doctoral Training


Cecilia Bembibre

Alumna, University College London

Project Title

Smells of Heritage

Background & Summary of Project

Smells affect the way we experience the world and can carry important information about places and objects. This project researches the identification and documentation of heritage smells, conducting VOC detection and analysis using solid-phase micro-extraction plus gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography Time of Flight Analysis (GC-TOF) with olfactometric detection (GC-O). Trained and untrained evaluation panels are also used to assess human perception of smells.



Bembibre, Cecilia, M. Strlič, , Heritage Science(2017) 5:2

Bembibre Jacobo, C; Barratt, S; Vera, L; Strlič, M,. In: Bridgland, J, (ed.) ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4-8 September 2017. (pp. p. 1601). Paris: International Council of Museums