

Safety Services


Tracking safety training completion made easier

19 June 2024

Keeping track of departmental safety training completion is crucial. This article highlights two resources to help you efficiently manage training records.

Mandatory safety training for new starters

New employee onboarding includes mandatory safety training.  You can easily verify who in your department has completed Safety Induction and Basic Fire Safety elearning by visiting the .  Your Departmental Administrator will be able to access completion records for new starters within your department.

Other safety training

Looking for completion records for other safety training courses offered by UCL?  To obtain a report on specific safety training completion within your department, send an email to safetytraining@ucl.ac.uk.  In your email, please specify the following details:

  • Course Name: The specific safety training course you'd like a report on.
  • Time period: The timeframe for which you'd like completion data (e.g. last 6 months, past year).
  • Department: Your department name and organisation ID.

The Safety Training team will then generate a report reflecting the requested information.


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