

Safety Services


Radiation dosimetry badges

25 February 2022

Radiation dosimetry badges detect and measure the radiation exposure of the wearer. Late return of dosimetry badges may give inaccurate results, incur a charge to departments, prompt an investigation by Safety Services or result in work with radiation being stopped.

Radiation Workers may be issued with a dosimetry badge. If you have been issued with a dosimetry badge, you are responsible for its safekeeping and timely return. You must report lost or damaged dosimetry badges to your departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor as soon as possible.

How should I store my dosimetry badge?

  • Store your dosimetry badge in a safe location away from sun, heat, sources of radiation or other potential damage - this includes leaving it on windowsills and near radiators
  • Avoid getting the badge wet and don't put it in the washing machine!
  • Keep your dosimetry badge at work (unless you are travelling between work locations)
  • Do not store your dosimetry badge in hanging lab coats, unless the lab coat is stored in a personal locker, office, or some other location where there is no chance of someone else using the lab coat

When should I return my dosimetry badge?

  • Dosimeters are exchanged at the start of the month or every three months at the Royal Free campus
  • You will receive a new dosimetry badge and must immediately return the old badge to your Dosimetry Badge Co-ordinator - this is usually your departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor
  • If you are expecting a dosimetry badge and you do not receive it by the fifth working day of the month, please contact your Dosimetry Badge Co-ordinator
  • If you are going to be absent, make arrangements to ensure your dosimetry badge is returned on time

Need more information? 

> Contact your departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor or the Radiation Protection Team