

Safety Services


COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

8 January 2021

This article provides a quick reference guide to the suite of control measures and advice available to ensure UCL remains a COVID-secure workplace. The health and safety of all staff, students and their families is UCL's highest priority.

You will have heard some of the messages in this article many times since the first lockdown in March 2020 but it is important we remain refreshed of this information so that we can work together to create as safe a working environment as possible.Ìý

If your department has identified you as a critical worker who needs to be physically present at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, you mustÌýfollow 2m social distancingÌýgudielines at all times.ÌýYour localÌýrisk assessmentÌýshould be reviewed to ensure thatÌýCOVID-19 controlÌýmeasures are suitable and sufficient and consider theÌýnew virus variant(s). If you require support on this process please contact your Safety Services Lead Advisor.

You must work from home if you can

UCL has been consistent in its message to work from home if you can. To support those who are working from home with their physical and mental wellbeing, please see the following help and advice.

If you haveÌýconcerns regarding working at home or require additional support you should speak to your line manager in the first instance.

Critical workers

It is important that we do not get complacent and remain up to date regarding the COVID-19 control measuresÌýand support »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË has in place. We emphasise the need to keep to the 25% maximum occupancy for all buildings to help provide the space needed for social distancing.

Each department has carried out an assessment to identify critical workers whoÌýneed to be on site. This assessment considered the following.

  • Whether the work is essential
  • The support needed for people to be on site
  • The individual's circumstances

If you have been designated as a critical worker, before returning to work you must complete aÌýCOVID-19 individual health assessment. If youÌýhave any concerns about coming to site or the assessment, please speak to your line manager.

Before returning to work critical workers must refresh their online training by completing the following UCL awareness courses.

Prepare to work safely

In light of the changes brought about by the current lockdown, it is likely that your risks will have changed. Safety Services has updated its generic risk assessments to support you in this review process. Ìý

> Generic risk assessments and checklists

If you have adapted your premises, processes or procedures in light of COVID-19, your local risks may have changed. While some risks may have reduced, others may have grown, and new equipment, substances or procedures may have introduced new hazards entirely. You will therefore need to review your existing risk assessments to reflect these changes.

Your department may have additional information and rules that you need to follow.ÌýThis information may be subject to changeÌýand you will need to familiarise yourself with the current information now and in the future.

This is not a definitive list but departmental andÌýlocation specific information may include advice on the following.

  • Booking workspaces or equipment
  • Access and egress from buildings
  • Dealing with contractors and visitors
  • Emergency plans, including fire and first aid
  • Communication with the department and UCL

Getting tested

We requestÌýthatÌýyou do not travel or come to work if you are not well, even if your symptoms are not linked to COVID-19. If you are unwell, please inform your line manager following the usual processes.

UCL has set up a testing centre as part of the national testing programme for universities. The centre uses rapid Lateral Flow Tests (LFT), which typically provide results within two hours. Testing is free and voluntary. Testing is available for staffÌýwhose roles require them to be on campus even if they do not have coronavirus symptoms. Students and contractors are also encouraged to book tests.

> Getting tested in Term Two

If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or have had a positive test, you must self-isolate as required by law andÌýinform your line manager. Follow reporting processes within UCL and with the NHS.

>ÌýUCL: Testing, reporting and managing potential cases

    Keeping safe on campus

    For information, advice and support for UCL staff including FAQs, remote working,Ìýreturning to work on campus and resources for managers visit »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË's Coronavirus pages.

    > Information for UCL Staff

    Contractors and visitors

    • No visitors are permitted during the period of lockdown
    • Departments should contact their Area Facilities Manager to discuss essential maintenance/regulatory inspectionÌývisits
    • Work should be arranged so contractors and UCL staff do not need to be in the same place at the same time

    Emergency arrangements

    • High risk activities must not take place if there areÌýno suitable emergency arrangements in place
    • In the event of a fire alarm sounding,Ìýstaff should socially distance wherever possible whilst evacuatingÌýand at the assembly point
    • You do not have to stay 2m apart if you need to support a seriously injured colleague
    • After providing aid, pay attention to hygiene measures and wash or sanitise your hands right away

    > Guidance for returning first aiders

      Ongoing monitoring

      Locations where staff will be on site will need to carry out a monthly inspection to ensure all the COVID-19ÌýcontrolÌýmeasures are in place and working. This inspection must beÌýrecorded in the 'Audit & Inspection module' in using the template 'AT0093 COVID 19 compliance inspection'.

      Safety Services is carrying out independent audits based on the COVID-19 risk profile of buildings. These are recorded in riskNET and can be viewed by departments who can action any findings.

      If you see anything that concerns you whilstÌýon site, this can be reported as normal through the Ìý'Report an Incident' system.ÌýÌýA specific incident category is now available called ‘COVID-19 non compliance’.