

Safety Services


Safety Alert - Waste Explosion

3 November 2018

Safety Services issued a safety alert after a waste explosion.

What happened?

An acid waste container exploded inside a fume cupboard, shortly after being placed inside. A member of staff was splashed around their stomach area, causing minor chemical burns. The laboratory was found to have no spill kit, eyewash station or emergency procedures.

What was the cause?

Incompatible waste was mixed together in the container. Up to 20 litres of waste had accumulated in the laboratory, although on average less than 1 litre is produced per month.

Action to be taken

  • Ensure incompatible waste types are separated - check safety data sheets for incompatibilities
  • Ensure waste containers are clearly labelled
  • Minimise the volume of waste you store and ensure frequent collections
  • Ensure you have the right emergency equipment and plans in place

See more information on our waste and recycling pages.Â