

UCL Research Domains


Making Iron Gall Ink

Draw and marvel, as the invisible becomes the visible
NB: This workshop is fully booked.  A waiting list is in operation

11am to 12noon, Friday, 23 March 2018
Venue: , 1st Floor, Slade School of Fine Art, North Wing, UCL Main Campus, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

This small group workshop will be an ideal opportunity for UCL's early career researchers to do something a little out of the ordinary.  Making iron gall ink and its properties are rather magical. You will have chance to get involved in some of the making and have the chance to use it.

In this session, (Deputy Director, Slade School of Fine Art and Co-director, The Material Research Project) will give a talk on the history and demonstrate the making of this ancient and beautiful medium.  The earliest record of the material we know as writing ink, made from medieval time to the present, is in the writing of Theophilos, Byzantine emperor 813-842 AD, although Pliny the Elder 23-79 AD mentions in his Natural History.  It is also mentioned in The Booke of Secrets 1596.

  • Only 12 places are available
  • Background to iron gall ink
  • This workshop will take place in an art school so don't wear your best clothes. Please wear sensible shoes