

Research and Innovation Services


Recent updates to funder terms and conditions

15 January 2024

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Wellcome recently announced updates to their terms and conditions. Find out more about the changes.


What has changed?

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) recently updated its terms and conditions, which may have an impact on eligible costs being charged to a grant. In December, Wellcome also announced that it had recently revised its costed extensions policy.

UKRI updates

Staff timesheets

UKRI has increased monitoring of our compliance with respect to staff timesheets for research grants.

All Directly Incurred (DI) staff (e.g. research assistants, research fellows, technicians, administrative staff) working less than 100% of their time on one UKRI project need to complete a timesheet every month and countersigned and dated by the Principal Investigator (PI) or line manager. 

Further information on UKRI staff timesheet requirements, including the template, can be found on our website. Our Award Services Post-Award team is also available to provide departments with additional advice or support with timesheet compliance as needed.

Visa costs

Visa costs, including the Immigration Health Surcharge and Certificates of Sponsorship, can be charged for all DI staff directly employed on a UKRI grant for 50% or more of their time.

Alcohol costs

Alcohol costs are not permitted and should not be sought as an eligible cost. Whilst »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË expenses policy does not explicitly exclude alcohol costs, please be aware that these costs should not be charged on UKRI grants.

Wellcome update

Costed extensions policy

Wellcome has revised its policy and process for requesting costed extensions. The updated policy will allow grantholders to request a supplement on an award using an . From 1 February 2024 onwards, Wellcome will only consider supplement requests submitted via this online form.

Wellcome will consider supplements for one of two reasons:

  • To complete original research objectives where no remaining funds are available on the award (available on all funding schemes)
  • To pursue unforeseen developments where a new research direction has arisen directly resulting from the original grant objectives which may enhance the original outputs and additional funds are required to pursue (available for one-off calls and directed activity only).

Grantholders are unable to request a costed extension and a no-cost extension on the same award.

When submitting a costed extension to Wellcome, grantholders should initiate a supplement request in Worktribe. Should you require any assistance please contact your designated Pre-Award Research Support Officer.

Where can I find further guidance?

UKRI's updated  provides further information on how to manage grants.

You can also find information on costed extensions on Wellcome's Ìý·É±ð²ú±è²¹²µ±ð.