

Sarah Parker Remond Centre


Les Newsom

Racism and Racialisation

PhD group


Les Newsom

British and German Children’s Informative Introduction to Racism, Nationalism, Militarism, and Colonialism Through Education and Play, 1871-1918

My research project is a comparative study of British and German childhood at the height of European Imperialism. My project looks at how children from both nations were exposed to racist, nationalist, colonial and militarist ideologies through toys, games, and children’s literature. Race, racialisation, and racism underpin all these ideologies and can be identified in children’s playthings, literature, and educational material throughout this period in both the British and German imperial metropoles.

Much of the material and the messages it propagates still exist in European society over one-hundred years later either through deeply ingrained ideas created during a child’s informative years or sentimental attachment to childhood stories and toys. I plan further exploration of this problematical legacy as part of the SPRC Racism and Racialisation PhD Group.

Email: les.newsom.20@ucl.ac.uk