

Department of Political Science


Speaker Kevin McCarthy: how backroom deals have put controversial Republicans into key roles

25 January 2023

Silhouette of Democrat donkey and Republican elephant in front of the USA flag

Written byThomas Gift,Centre on US Politics.
Published 20January.

When California Representative Kevin McCarthy finally earned the speaker’s gavel earlier this month after an unprecedentedon the House floor, it required a. McCarthy wasabout all the concessions he had to make to win. But now with his doling out of, the details of that horse-trading are rapidly coming into view.

The hotly contested assignments involve two of the most radioactive Republicans on Capitol Hill. New York Representative George Santos has been tapped for the, and Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene for. Both backed McCarthy’s speaker bid from the outset. But there’s plenty of speculation that their support hinged on receiving choice appointments.

The selections are most striking for what they symbolise. Santos has been accused of lying about nearly, including his. Greene has likewise found herself embroiled in controversy after controversy. As one journalist, McCarthy’s picks of Santos and Greene seem designed for “(depending on your viewpoint) maximum irony or maximum trolling”.

Santos and his fantasy claims

The congressman now calling himself George Santos (he’s) has expressedfor the countless lies he’s told voters. Among his most fanciful “” include those involving finances and prior business activities. Santos claimed he had an MBAand worked for glitzy financial firms. None of that appears to be true. Santos has admitted lyingand background, without explaining why. (As it turned out, however, he did work for.) Santos continues tois “making outrageous claims” about him.

Yet the depths of Santos’s lies possibly stretch much further, casting even more doubt on the man who will shape regulations and laws governing small businesses. Where Santos made all of his money is. When running for Congress in 2020, Santosa US$55,000 (£44,000) a year salary; in 2022, that figure was over US$750,000. Previously, Santos worked for a company, Harbor City Capital, that’s been charged with orchestrating a, which defrauded investors. The finances of his own corporation, the Devolder Organization, haveas well.

MTG: the conspiracy queen

Like Santos, Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene is alsoin the area where she’ll have power and oversight. In 2021, she was barred from holdingby the Democrat-led House after making violence-inciting comments, including. Since her election, Greene has promotedfalsehoods and. Detractors insist she’s unfit to serve, much less in an influential post aimed at protecting the US from adversaries.

Most pertinent to her new position on the House homeland security committee, Greene appeared to be a supporter of the raid on the US Capitol and in defending its aftermath. For instance, shethat if former Trump strategist Steve Bannon had organised the insurrection, “we would have won” (a quote she later insisted was a joke). In 2019, Greeneto “shut down the streets”, “flood the Capitol building”, and “flood all the government buildings … and go inside”. She deniesand has said she was in favour of a peaceful protest.

What will they do?

Whereas Santos has given little indication of how he might approach the small business committee, Greene’s agenda is much more transparent. Notably, she’ll continue toagainst providing support for Ukraine’s defences against Russia, leading other Republicans in an effort to. Additionally, Greene remains committed to curbing undocumented immigration, looking for ways to circumvent what she views as weak-kneed enforcement by the White House.

As lone members on their respective committees, however,can take solace that the more extreme impulses of both will probably have limited impact on policy. Several Republican colleagues have hadfor both congress members, and moderates will try to quiet, if not silence, their voices. Still, the appointments grant a sheen of legitimacy to two pariahs badly in need of a political makeover. If they run for re-election in 2024, their appointments to high-profile committees won’t hurt them at the polls.

Republican risks

During McCarthy’s speaker fight, expertson far-right flamethrowers such as Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert who opposed McCarthy from day one. The anti-McCarthy rebels realised his vulnerability, and exploited it in a. But less attention was paid to McCarthy’s supporters like Santos and Greene, who’ve ostensibly received quid pro quos.

Wheeling and dealing has always been a part of coalition-building in Washington. But there’s no doubt that McCarthy has pressed it to new levels — and that both Santos and Greene played their cards craftily. McCarthy hasthat he’ll be the weakest House speaker in generations. Yet in caving to pressure to elevate two controversial Republicans to coveted House committees, McCarthy has already proven his feebleness.

Ultimately, the committee appointments say more about McCarthy and the fractured statethan about Santos and Greene. With aand a, McCarthy had little choice but to bargain with the fringes if he wanted his position. Whether swing voters will penalise McCarthy and his allies for the committee picks remains unclear. For now, McCarthy would just as soon keep the selections under the radar.