

UCL Policy Lab


New podcast series explores how extraordinary ideas and everyday experience can drive policy change

12 March 2024

A podcast mini-series exploring how extraordinary ideas and everyday experiences can change the world has been launched, as a partnership between the UCL Policy Lab and the Civic Power Fund.


Hosted by well-known social change podcaster, , the new series will share inspiring stories of people helping to transform communities across the UK and explore what we might learn from their efforts.

In the , Amanda talks to , Director of Strategy and Design at the London Borough of Camden, who describes a new, relationship-focused way of running public services.

Nick explains how Camden Council is working to become a relational organisation, one that builds deep connection with and understanding of the people who use its services, from child protection to social care. Amanda teases out how this story is helping to inspire a generation to reform the way we design and deliver public services.

Amanda Tattersall, the podcast host, spoke of her excitement at the new collaboration.

It can sometimes feel like politics is something that happens to us - but I love telling a different story, she explains.

‘In the UK, out of the eye of most of the media, there are endless numbers of leaders of different kinds making a difference in people’s lives. I love that the podcast can be a place to show that any of us have the capacity to make change and that there are plenty of amazing people already making that change all across our communities.’

Speaking following the launch of the episode, UCL Policy Lab Director and UCL’s Pro-Provost for Policy Engagement, Marc Stears spoke about the importance of creating space for practitioner and scholarly collaboration.

“We are so grateful to the for making this series possible”, he said.

“The idea that academic researchers, social change leaders, public policy practitioners and philanthropists can band together to change the world lies right at the heart of UCL’s vision of a better future.”