

Institute for the Physics of Living Systems


UCL Institute for the Physics of Living Systems Annual Symposium 2022

25 May 2022, 8:50 am–6:00 pm

IPLS Symposium 2022 Poster

The Institute for the Physics of Living Systems (IPLS) Annual Symposium will showcase the exciting interdisciplinary research performed by IPLS researchers and our collaborators. Our Symposium will take place on 25 May 2022 as a one-day hybrid event.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Jas Gill-Thind


1-19 Torrington Place
Torrington Place

Our goal in organising this symposium is to showcase the depth and breadth of research at the interface between physics, mathematics, computer science, and biology in UCL. We aim to spur new collaborations within UCL and across London by presenting new interdisciplinary approaches to tackle complex biological questions. 

Registration for this event is free but it is mandatory. We have limited spaces for in person attendance so register early to avoid disappointment. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
Please register by 15th May 2022 for joining instructions.



08.50-09.00  Welcome and Introduction

Session I - Cell and Tissue Mechanics

Chair: Guillaume Charras (UCL)

09.00-09.30  Mechanics of Microvascular Morphogenesis
Emad Moeendarbary (UCL)

09.30-10.00ÌýÌýModular hydrogels for organoid-based disease modelling
Eileen Gentleman (King's College London)

10.00-10.30  Break and Discussion

Session II - Emerging technologies

Chair: Alan Lowe (UCL)

10.30-11.00  Combining Multiscale Modelling and Imaging to Predict Tumour Growth and Response to Therapy
Rebecca Shipley (UCL)

11.00-11.30  Direct functional imaging of Piezo1 dynamics with the designed fluorescent reporter GenEPi
Periklis Pantazis (Imperial College London)

11.30-12.00  Break and Discussion

Session III - Modelling patterning

Chair: Yanlan Mao (UCL)

12.00-12.30  Pattern scaling through position dependent feedback
Zena Hadjivasiliou (Francis Crick Institute)

12.30-13.00  Mathematical models of signalling and evolution in epithelia
Karen Page (UCL)

13.00-14.00  Lunch and Discussion

Session IV - Keynote Speaker

Chairs: Guillaume Charras (UCL) and Yanlan Mao (UCL)

14.00-15.00  Evolutionary tales of biological shape: bodies, beaks, and brains
L. Mahadevan (Harvard University)

15.00-15.30  Discussion

Session V - Molecular Networks

Chair: Jonathan Chubb (UCL)

15.30-16.00  Mechanics of the intracellular microtubule rearrangements
Maxim Molodtsov (Francis Crick Institute)

16.00-16.30  Protein oligomerization, patterning networks, and spatial memory during cell polarisation
Nate Goehring (Francis Crick Institute)

16.30-17.00  Closing and Discussion