

UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Nurturing Change (VIPP Foster Care Study)

nurturing change logo
Child Bubble - VPP Foster Home

The Nurturing Change research team at UCL conducted a study in partnership with the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, in outpatient NHS mental health services and partner social services departments. The study began in 2017 and was completed in early 2020.

Baby Yellow Jack reaching out

What is Nurturing Change?

This research aims to evaluate a new form of support designed to help foster and kinship carers better understand and respond to their child’s emotions and behaviour. Find out more… 

child mother playing

What's Involved?

There are two stages to this study. The first involves carers completing some questionnaires to find out how the child is doing. The second is a randomised control trial to test the new form of support. Find out more…

Child Mother Playing

How to Take Part

If you are looking after a child under 7 as a foster or kinship carer, or as a special guardian, you could get in touch with us to find out if your local authority is participating in the study. Find out more…