



Are your study spaces working for you?

22 May 2019

As part of the online consultation by UCL Estates to encourage staff and students to share thoughts about our campus, we would like you to tell us more about your study spaces.

UCL Estates Study Spaces Forum

Now, more than ever, study spaces in UCL are of great importance. We'd like you to share your thoughts on study spaces with us to help us understand our future needs. Do you have a favourite space on campus? Perhaps a little nook somewhere which helps you get your head down? Maybe you work best in the hustle and bustle?

Use our to to show us your study spaces – whether you think they work well or not.

Don’t forget, the Estates forum is open for all staff and students to use and will feed into a refreshed strategy for the University’s estate. We will be considering UCL’s buildings and physical estate, the impact of UCL East and other satellite locations, as well as the opportunities for growth. Now is the time to get involved!