



Male participants required for paid fMRI study

22 March 2018

UCL researchers are combining computer-based memory tasks with fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to study the role of reward and sleep/sleep deprivation in the representation of associative memories in the brain.


Who is it for?

  • Males aged from 18-30
  • Not currently being treated for any mental of physical health condition
  • Non-smokers and no metal inside your body

What will it involve?Ìý

The experiment involves four visits to the lab: two evening sessions and two morning sessions, organised in two blocks. These are separated by one week and structured as follows:

  • Block 1: evening session - sleep immediately after at home - morning session two days later
  • Block 2:Ìý evening session - stay awake for the night at the lab - morning session two days later

What else do I need to know?

The study will take place on UCL campus at 26 Bedford Way. The cash reward varies from £80-200, with an average of £140 per participant.

How do I sign up?

You can take part in this study either by sending an email to Cristina PericasÌýwith your name, or by visiting our .

This study has been approved by the UCL Ethics Committee (reference 8951/002)

Cristina Pericas, Neuroscience MSc, UCL Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience