



3 safety tips from UCL Security

16 February 2018

As spring approaches, the nights are getting lighter, the weather is (slowly) improving, and the streets are starting to get busier as we all get out and about making the most of everything London has to offer.

London Ìý

London is a great and buzzing city. However, like all major cities, some crimes do occur. UCL Security want to ensure you are free to enjoy your time at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË as much as possible, and that you are able to do so safely. By following these three easy tips, you can be sure that you are looking after yourself and that you're prepared should anything unexpected happen.Ìý

1. Be aware of your surroundingsÌý

Whether at home, at university or elsewhere, you should be aware of your environment and those around you. Take a minute to familiarise yourself with the location of entrances and exits if you are somewhere new, stay alert to what is going on around you when travelling or walking, and take extra care when using a cash point. You can significantly reduce your risk of being a victim of theft by looking out for anything that strikes you as unusual. See this .

2. Look after your belongingsÌý

When leaving the house, ask yourself what you really need to take with you. If you do need to carry something valuable, keep it out of sight where possible and do not leave it unattended. If you are carrying a bag, make sure everything is zipped up and hold it close to you - you may want to hold it in front of you in large crowds.ÌýÌý

There have been a number of phone thefts in London over recent months. If you are using your phone in public, do so away from the road and look out for bikes and mopeds, especially if they are on the pavement. Don't forget to register your phone with Ìý-Ìýthis can help the police to find your phone if it is stolen.Ìý

3. Know what to do in an emergencyÌý

It's important that, should anything happen, you know the best course of action for the situation at hand. The scenarios below can help you categorise and respond appropriately.Ìý

If you see something suspicious on campus - report it to UCL Security by calling 020 7679 2222. We recommend you save this number in your phone.

If you see something suspicious off campus - report it to the police by calling 101. Please note that this number is only for reporting non-emergencies.

If you have been the victim of, or you have witnessed, a crime - call the police immediately on 999. If this has happened on campus, it is also important that you report it to UCL Security afterwards so that the university is aware of and can respond to crime on campus.

Very serious / terrorist incidents
While terrorist incidents are extremely rare, students are reminded that the current threat level from international terrorism to the UK is categorised as severe. It is useful to be equipped with the knowledge of what to do should there be an incident.Ìý

Ensure that you have read the or watched the from the National Police Chiefs Council on how to react if you are involved in a terrorist incident. The 'Run, Hide, Tell' guidance can be applied to many places and situations to help you stay as safe as possible in an emergency.ÌýÌý

Overall, be vigilant and aware of your surroundings and if you do see something out of place or suspicious, please do not be afraid to report it to the police or to .Ìý

UCL Security

If you require any further advice on any of the above, please contact »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Advisor Aysev Ismail (aysev.ismail@ucl.ac.uk) who will be happy to speak to you.Ìý

You can also follow on Twitter for further tips and updates.