



Female participants needed for a study on thinking styles and eating disorders

25 May 2017

Researchers from the UCL Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology are conducting a study to explore the thinking styles in women who have recovered from anorexia nervosa compared to women who have never had any eating disorder.

Female participants needed for a study on thinking styles and eating disorders The study is open to female participants between the ages of 18-65 who have either no history of a previous eating disorder, or who have a past history of Anorexia Nervosa.

The study involves an initial brief screening with the researcher via skype or over the phone (approximately 20 minutes), followed by a set of online tasks and questionnaires (approximately 45 minutes).

Participants will have the choice of being entered into a draw to win one of ten £10 Amazon vouchers, having a donation made to an eating disorders charity, or receiving research credit. Participants will be compensated for both the initial screening and the second stage of the study.

Further details on the study can be found in the participant information sheet.

If you are interested in participating or finding out more about this study, please contact the student researcher: Leah Kugelmass, leah.kugelmass.14@ucl.ac.uk .

Research supervisor, Dr Lucy Serpell, l.serpell@ucl.ac.uk.

This study has been approved by the Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology Research Department's Ethics Chair. Project ID No: 8515/001

Leah Kugelmass, Clinical Psychology Trainee, UCL Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology