



Do you need special exam arrangements?

25 January 2017

If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty like dyslexia, a mental health issue or a short-term condition, such as a broken limb, which affects your exam performance you may want to apply for special exam arrangements.

Do you need special exam arrangements? Apply now

Arrangements might consist of extra writing time, rest breaks, use of a computer or ergonomic furniture.

If you wish to request special exam arrangements you must to ensure they are agreed and implemented for your end of year exams and any future departmental tests.The deadline for applications for the main summer term examination period is Friday 17 March. If you miss this deadline it is highly unlikely you will have the special arrangements you require.

For other exams that take place outside of this time period you will need to ensure you have applied six weeks in advance. All applications must be accompanied by recent medical evidence written in English or a diagnostic report in the case of a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia.


If you would like to discuss your application with an adviser from the Student Disability Services team, please come alnong to our drop-in sessions which take place every Monday and Wednesday between 2-4pm.

Alternatively, please email disability@ucl.ac.uk or call 0207 679 0100 to request a one-to-one appointment.

Student Disability Services is based at the Student Support and Wellbeing Centre on Level 4 of the UCL Institute of Education, WC1H 0AL. Please come and see us to ensure you are provided with the support you require.

Useful links

David Walmsley, Head of Student Disability Services, UCL Student Support and Wellbeing