



Gender Equality Charter Mark and Athena SWAN awards: success for UCL Greek and Latin and the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences

30 October 2014

Congratulations to the UCL Department of Greek and Latin, the UCL Cancer Institute and the UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science who have all received prestigious awards for the progress they have made on gender equality.

Quad UCL Greek and Latin received a Bronze award for the new for arts, humanities and social sciences.

Head of Department, Professor Gesine Manuwald said:

"The UCL Department of Greek and Latin is delighted to have taken part in the Gender Equality Charter Mark trial, as it is the first scheme of this kind for arts and humanities. The Department was awarded a Bronze Award, which is a wonderful recognition of the long-standing policy of gender equality in operation in the department." The Cancer Institute received a Silver Athena SWAN award and Cardiovascular Science was awarded a Bronze.

recognise commitment and action in addressing the recruitment, promotion and retention of women in academic STEMM departments (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine). Submissions are judged by STEMM academics and HR and Equality and Diversity professionals from across the sector.

Examples of good practice from the two successful applications include:

  • Training, networking and development events for PhD students and post docs
  • The 'Inspiring Excellence - Stories from Successful Women' lecture series
  • 'Fellowship days' and support with grant writing and interviews

UCL has made noticeable progressions on gender equality in the past two years. In total, 22 UCL departments now hold an Athena SWAN award: 13 at Silver level and 9 holding a Bronze award. In addition, the Department of Physics has a , a similar scheme run by the Institute of Physics.

Further information and UCL applications can be found on the .

Sarah Guise, Head of Equalities and Diversity, Human Resources Division