



Seven questions with... Charlotte Ballinger

11 December 2014

This week we put seven questions to Charlottle Ballinger,ÌýChaplain & Interfaith Advisor, UCL.

Charlotte Ballinger

What does your role involve and how long have you been at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË? What was your previous role?

My role is quite varied; I see students (and staff) individually to discuss issues or problems that they're dealing with - sometimes, though not necessarily, relating to faith. I run a weekly meditation group and a lunch for medical students. I also organise events around interfaith dialogue and relationships, and trips to places of worship, and to talks and exhibits concerning faith and ethics. In addition to my work at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, I'm an Associate Priest at St Pancras Church on Euston Road, where I take services on Sundays and do various other things throughout the week.

I started at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË in September 2013. Before that, I was a curate (an assistant member of the clergy) in a church in Barnet in north London. That could involve anything and everything - visiting local schools, leading adult discussion groups, running a youth group, running a toddler group, taking weddings and funerals, keeping the church website up to date, as well as doing lots of visiting people in their homes. It is a cliché, but no day was ever the same.

What working achievement or initiative are you most proud of?

I'm not sure "proud" is the word, but I'm most privileged in what I am able to do as a priest. In particular, I'm privileged in being able to take baptisms, weddings and funerals. Being with people at the really important times in their lives and those of their families - the birth of a child, a marriage, a death - is such an privilege. It's wonderful to be able to do that for friends and family, as well: next weekend I'm taking the wedding of someone I grew up with and who I've known since I was born.

Tell us about a project you are working on now which is top of your to-do list?

At the moment, Christmas services are my "project" - next week I have a carol service every night! One of them is the carol service which has been organised by UCLU Societies and is held at St Pancras Church. Then, St Pancras also hosts carol services for some big charities, like the British Lung Foundation and the Anthony Nolan Trust. Then there are of course the services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day itself. Luckily I love Christmas carols!

What was your first job straight out of university?

I worked as a PA to the PA of a CEO of an Advertising firm. I did things like book hairdressing appointments for his children and sort his road tax out.

What is your favourite and least favourite thing about London?

There are so many things I love, but I think I'll narrow it down to two: clear, crisp winter mornings in any of the parks, and the sausage sandwiches they make in the Café 49 on Marchmont Street. Least favourite: this isn't unique to London, but I suppose the volume of people makes it worse - when people bump into you because they're walking whilst looking at their phone.

Who would be your dream dinner guests?

Yotam Ottolenghi - I have his Jerusalem cookbook and I love all the insights he gives into his life growing up in the Middle East; and he could probably give me a hand in the kitchen!

Paula Radcliffe - I'm training for my third marathon now and as she's still the female world record holder for the marathon, I'd love to get her advice.

Timothy Radcliffe (whom I don't think is related to Paula) - a Dominican monk whose books on spirituality are readable yet incredibly insightful, and who is a fantastic speaker.

Caitlin Moran, because she's brilliant. And my fiancé, because I can get in a bit of a flap when I'm cooking for lots of people and he always calms me down.

What would it surprise people to know about you?

I know the lyrics to almost every Andrew Lloyd-Webber musical.