



UCL awarded record number of ESRC studentships

9 May 2013

18 multidisciplinary studentships worth an estimated £1.

6 million have been awarded to UCL's Doctoral Training Centre by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

The studentships will be held in departments linked to the UCL ESRC doctoral training centre pathways, and will cover research themes including population health, public policy and natural resource management. UCL submitted 18 applications, all of which were successful; in total, 43 studentships were awarded across the UK.

Professor David Price, UCL Vice Provost (Research), said: "This is an astonishing achievement, and I would like to congratulate everyone who worked hard in preparing the successful applications. This result underlines UCL's commitment to embedding cross-disciplinarity at the heart of our approach to research, and offering a world-leading learning experience for our research students."

Professor Shelley Channon, Director of UCL ESRC Doctoral Training Centre, said: "These studentships reflect the outstanding capacity of UCL academics to conduct innovative research at the cutting edge of their disciplines, pursuing research excellence that crosses disciplinary boundaries."

The studentships, which will be awarded for entry in October 2013, provide financial support to research students undertaking doctoral research in UCL's doctoral training centres. The research themes have a strong cross-departmental focus, enabling students to build strong links across traditional subject boundaries and develop a holistic approach to subjects as diverse as healthy ageing, European economic policy and climate change. Ìý

The funded research studentship themes are:

Clinical Neuroscience and Mental Health and Population Health (ESRC/MRC)
Public Policy and Intercultural Interactions (ESCR/AHRC)
Natural Disasters and Development and Legal and Policy frameworks for Natural Resource Management (ESRC/NERC)
Communities, consumer behaviour and the built environment (ESRC/EPSRC)