



Symposium: Crime, criminal law and the humanities

27 May 2010


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  • Members of the UCL community are invited to the cross-disciplinary symposium 'Crime, Criminal Law and the Humanities' on 23 June 2010 from 1pm.

    This symposium, hosted by UCL Humanities for Business and the UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, will examine the ways in which specialists in arts and humanities, law, mental health and crime science can collaborate on a better understanding of the impact of crime on individuals and society.

    "Crime has always loomed large in our imagination, inspiring writers from Robert Browning and Dostoevsky to PD James," says Berry Chevasco, Coordinator of UCL Humanities for Business. "We fear crime increasingly as a society and struggle to find a balance between security - both personal and national - and human rights.

    "The event is designed to bring together as many diverse voices within UCL on this far-reaching, perennially interesting and socially controversial subject. Almost any of us at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË can have something important to say on this, be it taken from literature, philosophy, social science, medical science, crime science or law. There is every likelihood that crime will be an important focus of policymakers in the new government and UCL should play a central role in their discussions. It is hoped that this first event will bring about a collaborative effort between faculties and disciplines and result in a larger event next session."


    • Criminal Law and Human Rights - Professor Ian Dennis (UCL Laws)
    • Poisonous Ideas: Facts and Fictions about Women and Crime in Germany - Professor Susanne Kord (UCL German)
    • Crime and the Justification of Punishment - Professor Jonathan Wolff (UCL Philosophy)
    • Crime Science: Why do we need it? -ÌýProfessor Gloria Laycock (UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science)
    • Crime, Business and the Role of the Humanities - Maurice Biriotti, SHM Consultants


    Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To register contact Tessa Rickards. A full programme will be sent on registration.

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