



E-learning development grant winners

2 June 2008


ucl.ac.uk/learningtechnology/eldg/" target="_self">E-learning development grants
  • The 2008/9 round of e-learning development grants (ELDG) have been announced, representing a wide range of disciplines and innovative projects.

    The UCL Learning Technologies Support Service (LTSS) established the grants in 2007 with funds provided by the UCL Executive Sub-Committee on Innovations in Teaching Learning & Assessment (ESCILTA) and the UCL Centre for the Advancement & Teaching (CALT) to support e-learning projects.

    These grants were designed to allow busy academics to employ UCL students to develop content or activities for use in e-learning courses.

    This year's 11 grant winners span UCL Human Communication Science, UCL Chemistry, UCL Anthropology, UCL Medicine, UCL Geography, the UCL Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL Ophthalmology, UCL Spanish & Latin American Studies and UCL Medical Education.

    The applications of e-learning also vary widely, including a 3D digital model toolkit, an online academy for medical imaging, 'prelab' tutorials and a digital, hyperlinked catalogue of documentary film resources.

    Dr Steven Bloch (UCL Human Communication Science) received an ELDG last year to create virtual learning environment for professional and clinical skills development for speech and language therapy students. He said: "The grant and subsequent E-learning support has enabled us to develop a new initiative which can now continue as an ongoing student-led resource."

    Mr Phil Riding, UCL E-Learning advisor added: "The fact that we received over 40 high quality applications for the Ìý

    11 grants show that »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË lecturers are keen to take advantage of the many exciting possibilities offered by e-learning."

    To find out more, use the links at the top of this article