

UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


New article now appearing in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (MSDE)

6 July 2020

Halan membrane article

A new article on nature-inspired membranes has just appeared in the Royal Society of Chemistry's (MSDE) journal: Effects of charge and hydrophilicity on the anti-fouling properties of kidney-inspired, polyester membranes.

You can read the (Open Access) article .

Many congratulations to CNIE PhD Halan Mohamed for whom this is her first journal article, with honours also going to former CNIE postdoctoral researcher, Zheyi (Jerome) Meng (now an Assocate Professor at Donghua University in Shanghai). The paper also had contributions from former MSc Vishanigaa Arumuganathan, Steve Hudziak from UCL's Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and our very own Professor Coppens.

This paper will appear in an upcoming Special Issue on "Nature-Inspired Solutions for Engineering".