

Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


MPBE Athena SWAN Committee supports UCL Women’s Engineering Society

3 November 2022

Picture of two female students

The MPBE Athena SWAN Committee is delighted to provide funding this academic year to support »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË's Women in Engineering Society (WES), a student-led society which has strong representation of MPBE students.

Sirine Bhouri (Treasurer), who is also a Biomedical Engineering student commented:

"The UCL Women’s Engineering Society (UCLWES) is very grateful for the support the Athena SWAN committee of the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering has offered us. Athena SWAN and UCLWES both share common values and goals which revolve around providing the necessary support to advance the careers of women in STEM and their funding will help us achieve this aim. Indeed, it will allow us to hold a larger number of professional and social events for our members, thus enabling us to offer them a greater range of opportunities for professional development, in particular during the incoming ‘Get Women Into STEM’ and ‘Internship and Graduate Talk’ events.
We thank once again Athena SWAN and we are very much looking forward to this promising collaboration."

Athena SWAN Chair, Dr Charlotte Hagen also commented "Engineering and technology are highly rewarding fields that should be shaped by women as much as men. The society's efforts to inspire women to pursue engineering careers are fantastic, and their networking platform is much needed. I am very excited to be supporting their programme."

Image: Workshop organised in collaboration with GRRIPP (Gender Responsive Resilience and Intersectionality in Policy and Practice), WOMENVAI and the IRDR (Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction) to discuss today’s most pressing issues and provide solutions

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