



Department News, June 2024, Part 4

26 June 2024

I am pleased to share the following good news. Well done!

  • Yohance Osborne has been awarded a Career Development Fellowship by the Royal Society. This will fund him for 4 years to work at Durham University
  • Richard Hoyle won a UCL Cyber Security & Data Protection Award
  • Jaime Mendizabal passed his viva on 5 June with minor corrections. The title of the thesis was `On monopoles with arbitrary symmetry-breaking and their moduli spaces'. He was supervised by Michael Singer. Congratulations Dr Mendizabal
  • Josh Bannister passed his viva on 24 June with minor corrections. The title of the thesis was `Acoustic scattering by fractal inhomogeneities'. He was supervised by Dave Hewett with co-supervision from Valery Smyshlyaev and Andrew Gibbs. Congratulations Dr Bannister