

Materials, Structure and Manufacturing at Harwell Activity


Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (MMSRC)

MMSRC is a consortium grant funded by EPSRC, aiming to put the UK’s materials intensive processing industries at the forefront of the UK’s technological advancement.

Funder:Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Period:September 2021- February 2025

Description: Our group is leading Beacon 3: The Physical Twin – In-Situ Process and Performance Characterisation. We are aiming to develop advanced in situ characterisation and manufacturing process emulators across the entire process from material formation to manufacture of the final part, thus validating physical models, providing the “ground truth” for machine learning models, providing a testbed for application of novel sensor, and aiding in scale-up and validation on the industrially facing Composites Pilot Line.

People:Dr Chu Lun Alex Leung, Dr Shishir Bhagavath


Figure:(Top) Composite lay-up is currently at best a semi-automated process where fibre is aligned strip by strip, yet a few degrees of misalignment can reduce properties by over 20%, requiring large, environmentally detrimental, safety margins. (Bottom) Make composites smarter in MMSRC, using multi-scale models that dynamically predict final properties informed by physical twin calibrated optical coherent imaging and bespoke spline fitted measurements to give nano-metre precision on fibre orientation in 3D and use this to tune embedded smart sensors that track the properties, calibrating the sensors developed at Cambridge.