
Edward Brailsford

???? - 1795


Resident slave-owner of Amity Hall in St Dorothy, which he left to his brother William Brailsford in his will made in 1794 and proved in 1795.

  1. Copy will of Edward Brailsford of St. Catherine in the Island of Jamaica and of the County of Middlesex, esq. Bequeathes annuity of £150 (Jamaican) to Ann Horton Gregory, a free mulatto, payable out of a sugar plantation called Amity Hall in the parish of St. Dorothy in Jamaica with slaves (named) belonging to Amity Hall and to his house in Spanish Town and household effects. Bequeathes annuity of £150 (Jamaican) to Mary Beavis his free quadroom [=quadroon] housekeeper (unpaid) living at Half Way Tree Penn also payable out of Amity Hall, with slaves (named). Both these women are to enjoy the occupation of a house in St. Jago de la Vega on condition that Charles Smith of St. Catherine in Middlesex and Jamaica and in the testator's employ as a manager shall have free use of a third share of the house. Bequeathes annuity of £50 (Jamaican) to Charlotte Brailsford, the daughter of Mary Beavis during her mother's lifetime, increased thereafter to £100 (Jamaican) payable out of Amity Hall. Bequeathes annuity of £200 sterling to Charles Smith. Bequeathes legacies to John Marshall, gent., his clerk in Kingston (£1000 sterling), to John Tomlinson, St. Catherine, gent. (£1000 sterling), David Edwards, Lymington, gent. (100 guineas or £105) Reserves lands (specified) and slaves not part of Amity Hall to be sold to pay off debts and pay for improvements to Amity Hall. Devises his estates, both in Jamaica and England to his brother William and his heirs and in their default to one or other of William's reputed sons, John, Charles and Edward Burrard Brailsford. His English estates comprise Brookley Farm, Brockenhurst; Stokes' and Durnford at Battramsley in Boldre; Townsend Farm in Lymington and other property held by lease from the Bishop of Bristol namely the rectory, tithing barn and glebe lands. Specifies that various lands are to be considered part of Amity Hall. Gives Charles Smith sole direction of Amity Hall for 21 years rendering account to William or to William, with Samuel Queensborough and John Quier both of St. John, Jamaica. Names as his executors Charles King, Mortlake, Surrey, surgeon for his English estates and his brother William and Charles Smith for his Jamaican estate. Will made 5th December 1794. Proved in Jamaica, 19th February 1795.


  1. Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, 27M74/E/T19.

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1795 [EY] → Owner

Relationships (1)
