
Jonathan Blenman II

???? - 1807


Solicitor-General and slave-owner of Barbados, dying c. 1807. His estate or holding known as Duke's Farm has not yet been traced in the Slave Registers or compensation records.

  1. Will of Jonathan Blenman barrister at law of St Michael Barbados [made in 1804 and attested in 1807] proved 25/05/1808. In the will he left his property called Dukes Farm 'and all the negro and other slaves' on it in St Michael to his wife Maria Anna Blenman for life unless she chose to live in Britain, in which case the property [and people] were to be sold and the proceeds applied for her benefit.


  1. PROB 11/1478/270.

Relationships (2)

Son → Father
Testator → Executor
Notes →
Probably also brothers-in-law. Jonathan Blenman's sister, who was also an executrix of his will, was shown as Ann Graeme in Blenman's...