
Robert Bogle junior, of Daldowie

???? - 1808


Robert Bogle junior was a partner in a London mercantile firm of Love Lane with Robert Bogle senior and William Scott (each of whom q.v.): the firm failed in 1772. The partners appear to have sought to rebuild their fortune through developing a cotton estate in Grenada, Mount Craven. It appears that Robert Bogle junior was Robert Bogle of Daldowie (d. 1808), son of George Bogle of Daldowie (1701-1782). George Bogle of Daldowie has an entry in the ODNB as 'merchant' that says 'he was focused on the colonial trades of sugar and tobacco' and does not mention slavery.

  1. Robert Bogle jun. was shown as 'Inhabitant' for an unnamed cotton estate on Carriacou in 1776 with 47 enslaved people producing 10,132 pounds of cotton.


The old Glasgow Houses of the old Glasgow gentry 'XXXIII. Daldowie.' The entry says that 'ROBERT BOGLE OF DALDOWIE suffered great commercial losses about 1777, and his father's estate became encumbered in consequence. He lived for some time in London and afterwards at Daldowie, where he died in 1808'; Alastair J. Durie, ‘Bogle, George (1700–1784)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/65002, accessed 13 March 2017]

  1. David Beck Ryden ''One of the Finest and Most Fruitful Spots in America': an Analysis of Eighteenth-century Carriacou', Journal of Interdisciplinary History XLIII:4 (Spring 2013) pp. 539-570 Table 4.

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner
Gemmells, Bogle & Scott
West India merchant  

Relationships (2)

Business partners
Business partners