
Henry Iles Underwood

???? - 1818


London West India merchant, partner with David Hall in a precursor firm to Hall M'Garel (q.v.) and in an apparently separate partnership with his cousin Henry Dyett of the City of London (q.v.),

  1. Will of Henry Iles Underwood merchant of Copthall Chambers [made in 1815] proved 15/05/1818. Under the will he directed that his half of the Chiswick cotton estate in Berbice be sold as soon as possible to enable payment of his just debts and legacies. He left an annuity of £400 p.a. to his aunt Elinor Dyett, widow of his uncle Henry Dyett, and an annuity of the same value to 'Eliza Miller wife of David Geo. Miller and daughter of William Symmons by Mary his wife of Stonehouse Plymouth which said Eliza Miller has the last five years lived with me and gone by the name Eliza Underwood': this latter annuity was for her exclusive use separate from her husband. He left £1000 each to the four daughters of his uncle Henry Dyett; an annuity of £200 p.a. to Emily Le Brun, a French [sic] woman of colour of Demerary; £1500 to each of his three natural sons Richard Underwood (mariner, mate on a ship in Henry Iles Underwood's employ), Henry Underwood (apprenticed to a carpenter), and John Underwood (at school at Startforth near Barnard Castle); £50 p.a. to Mrs Ann Harris 'a coloured woman formerly of Demerara and now of Startforth near Barnard Castle), and £1000 to her daughter Eliza Harris; £1000 to his cousin Mrs Eliza Oliver of Antigua, widow of Richard Oliver; and legacies generally of the low hundreds of pounds each to relatives on Montserrat and Antigua, and in Britain, mostly in the Dyett and Dubury [sic] families, including £1000 to his partner and cousin Henry Dyett of the City of London.

  2. [Death of] on the 19th Inst. [April 1818] at Cheltenham, sincerely regretted by all who knew him, Henry Iles Underwood Esq., of Glocester [sic] Place, Portman Square, many years resident in the colony of Demerary.

  3. Advertisement in The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette Saturday, July 28, 1804: "Persons having Demands against Thomas Hussey decd. or against Plantation Maria's Pleasure, on Walkenham Island in Essequebo, are requested to send in the same to the Subscribers, on or before the 10th day of August next. H. I. Underwood, q.q. Demerary, 28th July 1804. John MacGarel, q.q." ; The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 10 June, 1815: "Sequestrators for Plantations Middlesex and Beausojour [sic], inform the Creditors of said Plantations, and of Mr. Ralph Lee Ashington, that on Monday the 19th instant, at noon, at the Store of Messrs. Underwood, M'Garel, & Co. they will sell to the highest bidders of said Creditors, in part of their demands - 7,000 lb. whole, and 6,000 lb. broken Coffee. Demerary,"; The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette18 March, 1817: "The brig Ocean, for Liverpool, sails hence to-morrow. Letter-bag at the Store of Underwood, M'Garel, and Co."


  1. PROB 11/1604/219.

  2. Times, 22/04/1818.

  3. The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette, 28/07/1804; 10/06/1815; 18/03/1817.

We are grateful to Marion Moverley for help in compiling this entry.

Further Information


Transcript of Will of Henry Iles Underwood of Copthall Chambers of the City of London, Merchant, proved 15 May 1818

PRO, National Archives, Catalogue Reference: PROB 11/1604

Transcribed by Marion Moverley

In the Name of God Amen I HENRY ILES UNDERWOOD of Copthall Chambers of the City of London Merchant being of sound and disposing mind and memory and Understanding but knowing the certainty of death and the uncertainty of this life do hereby make this my last will and testament in writing declaring it to be the same and recoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made First I desire that as soon after my death as may be my one half of plantation Chiswick a Cotton estate in the Colony of Berbice with all the Slaves Stock and whatever else may be thereunto appertaining may be sold and converted into Money for payment of my just debts and Legacies and that all my other property of Slaves in the West Indies or otherwise and not hereby otherwise disposed of be also sold for the same purpose I give and bequeath to my Aunt Mrs ELENOR DYETT Widow of my late Uncle HENRY DYETT £400 per annum during the term of her natural life the same to be made her in quarterly payments of £100 each to commence in three months from my decease I give and bequeath to MARY MILLER wife of DAVID GEO MILLER and daughter of WILLIAM SYMMONDS by MARY his wife of Stowhouse Plymouth which said MARY MILLER has for the last five years lived with me and gone by the name of ELIZA UNDERWOOD £400 per annum to be paid her in quarterly payments commencing three months after my decease and it is my will and intention that my executors hereinafter named do so secure the aforesaid annuity of £400 per annum to the said MARY MILLER that she may enjoy the same to her entire use without the hindrance or interference of her husband DAVID GEORGE MILLER (should he be alive) or anyone else intending hereby to bar the said DAVID GEORGE MILLER from all and any claim thereto or any part thereof but that the same sould be paid to and enjoyed by the said MARY MILLER to her own entire use during her natural life I also give and bequeath to the said MARY MILLER £200 to be paid to her immediately after my decease. I also give and bequeath to the said MARY MILLER all the household furniture place and linen I may die possessed of I give and bequeath to SOPHIA FURLONGE , MARIA ABBOTT, ANN DYETT and MARTHA DYETT daughters of my late Uncle HENRY DYETT by ELENOR his wife £1,000 each to be paid to them in twelve months after my decease I give and bequeath to EMILY LE BRUN of the Colony of Demarary a French Woman of Colour £200 per annum to be paid her in half yearly payments commencing six months after my decease during the term of her natural life. I give and bequeath to RICHARD UNDERWOOD Mariner my natural son £1,500 to be paid him one half in twelve months after my decease and the other half in two years after my decease the said RICHARD UNDERWOOD has been sometime Mate of a Ship in my employ I give and bequeath to HENRY UNDERWOOD my natural son now bound apprentice to a House Carpenter the like sum of £1,500 to be paid him one hald in tree months after he is out of his apprenticeship and the other hald in two years afterwards I give and bequeath to JOHN UNDERWOOD my natural son now at school with Mr Galland at Startforth near Barnard Castle in Yorkshire the sum of £1,500 to be paid him one half in twelve months after my decease provided he is then of age and the other half in twelve months after the first payment and that the Interest of the said £1,500 should be in the meantime applied to his maintenance I give and bequeath to Mrs ANN HARRIS a Coloured Woman formerly of Demeraria now at Startforth near Barnard Castle in Yorkshire £50 per annum during her natural life to be paid her in quarterly payments commencing three months after my death I give and bequeath to ELIZA HARRIS daughter of the said ANN HARRIS £1,000 to be paid to her on her attaining the age of 21 years or day of marriage and in the meantime it is my will that the Interest of the said legacy of £1,000 be applied to the maintenance and education of ELIZA HARRIS at the discretion of my executors and should she die before she attains the age of 21 years or be married this Legacy to sink into my estate I give and bequeath to my Cousin Mrs ELIZA OLIVER of the Island of Antigua Wife of RICHARD OLIVER deceased £1,000 to be paid to her in 12 months after my decease I give and bequeath to my Uncle MARK DYETT and NATHANIEL DYETT of the Island of Montserrat and my Uncle JOSHUA DYETT of the Island of Antigua and my Aunt Mrs FRANCES MUSGRAVE of the Island of Antigua Widow £100 each to be paid to them in twelve months after my decease I give and bequeath to Mrs MARY FURLONGE of the Island Montserrat, Mrs FRANCES DYETT of the same Island Miss SARAH DYET of the same Island all daughters of my Uncle MARK DYETT £200 each to be paid to them in twelve months after my decease or as soon after as my executors can dispose of my effects and collect my assetts for the purpose I give and bequeath to ANN DYETT and SARAH DYETT daughters of my Uncle JOSHUA DYETT of the Island of Antigua £250 each to be paid them at their attaining the age of 21 yrs or their Marriage the said Legacies to bear Interest in the meantime I give and bequeath to MARY DYETT and ANN DYETT daughter of my Cousin RICHARD DYETT deceased by FRANCES his wife of the Island of Montserrat £500 each to be paid to them on their attaining the age of 21 yrs respectively or day of Marriage and the same should bear Interest in the meantime I give and bequeath to my Cousin SALLY MUSGRAVE of the Island of Antigua daughter of my Aunt FRANCES MUSGRAVE £500 to be paid to her in twelve months after my decease or as soon after as my executors can dispose of my effects and collect my assetts for the purpose Interest to be paid on the same I give and bequeath to my Cousins MARY ANDERSON daughter of my Cousin ANN MASON deceased and to my Cousin ANN HARRIS daughter of the said ANN MASON £500 each to be paid them in twelve months after my decease or as soon as my estate can pay the same the said legacies to bear Interest in twelve months after my death I give and bequeath to two Cousins SARAH DUBURY [Dubery] and FANNY or FRANCES DUBURY daughters of my late aunt SARAH DUBURY of the Island of Montserrat £1,00 each to be paid to them within two years after my decease the same to bear Interest in the intervening time I give and bequeath to my Cousin ABORH ? DUBURY of the City of London Mariner £250 to be paid to him within one year after my decease I give and bequeath to my Cousin and late partner HENRY DYETT of the City of London Merchant £1,000 to be paid to him within two years after my decease or as soon after as my affairs will allow I give and bequeath to my Cousin MARK DYETT of the Colony of Demarary Merchant £500 to be paid to him in like manner I give and bequeath to my Godson HENRY DYETT son of my ? £1,000 to be paid him on his attaining his age of 21 yrs the same to bear Interest twelve months after my death and to be put to accumulate for him till he comes of age I give and bequeath to HARRIOTT daughter of my late partner HENRY DYETT merchant £500 to be paid in like manner and to bear Interest and left to accumulate as above byt should she Marry before she is 21 yrs the same to be paid to her on her day of marriage I give and bequeath to MALCOLM son of the said HENRY DYETT £500 sterling to be paid to him in like manner and bearing Interest as stated in the Legacy left to his brother HENRY my Godson I give and bequeath to my Cousin WALTER SKERRETT MASON [or MORSON] now under my care at school at Hammersmith at my expence, £1,00 sterling to be paid to him on his attaining his age of 21 yrs and until he arrives at than age I give and bequeath £100 per annum to be added to the Interest of the above sum of £1,000 as a sund for his maintenance and education wishing him to be qualified for physic and leaving it at the discretion of my executors to have him brought up to that profession or any other he may be better adopted to I give and bequeath to Miss MARY UNDERWOOD daughter of THOMAS UNDERWOOD late of the Island of Montserrat and Niece [Nevis?] of MARK DYETT Esq £200 to be paid to her in two years after my decease bearing Interest in the twelve months after my death I give and bequeath to CHARLOTTE DYETT of the Island of Montserrat £100 as a token of her attention to my late Sister in her Illness the same to be paid in twelve months after my death I give and bequeath to my Friend ROBERT ?DOBRIDGE? of the Island of Montserrat £100 to be paid to him within twelve months after my decease or as soon as my affairs will permit I give and bequeath to my Godson [blank space] DOBRIDGE son of my above named Fried ROBERT DOBRIDGE £200 to be paid to him on his attaining the age of 21 yrs and to bear Interest from my decease I give and bequeath to my Godson CHARLES CLIFTON son of my deceased Friend CHARLES CLIFTON of the Colony of Demarary £100 to be paid to him on his attaining his age of 21 yrs to bear Interest from my decease I give and bequeath to my Friends JOHN JOHNSON, JOHN Mc CAREL? and CHARLES Mc CAREL of the Colony of Demarary Esqs and to DAVID HALL of Upper Harley Street in the City of London and Westminster Esq and to ALEXANDER HALL of Copthall Chambers in the City of London esq Merchant £100 each to be paid to them in twelve months after my decease or as soon as my executors can I desire that all my just debts be paid before Legacies also that my Funeral be in a plain decent manner and without shew or parade it is my intention that none of the Legacies bequeathed ehrein take preference one of another but all be paid at the time specified without Injury to my estate, in proprotion if they cannot be paid, that my executors whould pay them in proportion asd far as they can and as fast as they can realise my effects without protracting the same beyond what is necessary The annuities to my Aunt ELINOR DYETT Mrs MARY MILLER EMILY LE BRUN ANN HARRIS being regularly paid I give and bequeath all the rest and remainder of my estate both real and personal and of any nature and kind whatever to my Cousin WALTER SKEWETT MORSON hereinbefore named now at School at Hammersmith and to my Godson HENRY DYETT son of my Cousin HENRY DYETT of the City of London Merchant also hereinbefore named share and share alike declaring them to be my Residuary Legatees and in case of either of their deaths to their herirs and I appoint as executors tot his my last will and testament my Cousin HENRY DYETT of the City of London merchant DAVID HALL of no 10 Upper Harley Street Esq JOHNSON JOHNSON of the Colony of Demarary Esq ALEXANDER HALL of Copthall Chambers in the City of London merchant Esq MARK DYETT of Demarary merchant Esq giving and granting to them full power to execute this my will and beseeching tem to do so to the best of their ability and that no doubt may remain of the Identity of the person named in this my will as MARY MILLER and to whom I have left the tume of £200 to besides an annuity of £400 per annum my household furniture and plate and linen she is the person now living with me at No 2 Park Place Baker Street North in the parish of Saint Marylebone and generally goes by the name of Mrs UNDERWOOD and is known to my executors JOHN JOHNSON DAVID HALL CHARLES Mc GAREL ? and MARK DYETT and she some years ago took the Name of Miss ? SANDSON ? or LAWSON ? it is my intention that the Annuities to Mrs ELENOR DYETT Mrs MARY MILLER Miss EMILY LE BRUN and Mrs ANN HARRIS cease and terminate on their respective deaths and not decend to their or either of their respresentatives but they are to enjoy the same during their respective lives I declare this to be my last will and testament and publish it as the same this 12 May 1815 H I Underwood witnesses Elizabeth Head, Elizabeth Rogers, servants to H I Underwood

Proved at London 15 May 1818 on oaths of Henry Dyett the Cousin and Alexander Hall power reserved to David Hall Johnson Johnson Mark Dyett and Charles McCarell or Garel… then proved again 10 October 1818 on the oaths of David Hall and Charles McCarel …. power reserved to Johnson Johnson and Mark Dyett the other executors

West India merchant

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1815 [EA] - 1818 [LA] → Joint owner

Legacies Summary

Commercial (2)

Name partner
Underwood, Dyett
West India merchant  
Name partner
Underwood Hall
West India merchant  

Relationships (5)

Business partners
Notes →
The two men were also...
Nephew → Uncle
Extra-marital relationships
Notes →
This is an assumption based on the will of Henry Iles Underwood and his bequest to Ann Harris and Ann's daughter Eliza...
Business partners
Notes →
Inferred by...
Extra-marital relationships

Addresses (1)

Gloucester Place, London, Middlesex, London, England