

UCL Faculty of Laws


Dr Myriam Hunter-Henin interviewed by IACL on her book, Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy

29 October 2020

Julian Murphy from the International Association of Constitutional Law spoke to Dr Hunter-Henin about her book, Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy. Dr Hunter-Henin also discussed the book at a PluriLegal webinar.

Dr Myriam Hunter-Henin

‘’ is an interview by the International Association of Constitutional Law on Dr Myriam Hunter-Henin’s Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy. Comparative reflections for a democratic vivre ensemble from Britain and France,Hart, Comparative Public Law Series, 2020.

Dr Hunter-Henin (Reader in Law and Religion and Comparative Law atUCL Laws) explained the motivations behind the book; its chosen title, methodology and structure; the lessons it yields for Comparative Law and Political Philosophy as well as for courts confronted with delicate cases involving religious freedom and the contribution it makes to constitutional law scholarship and academic discourse more generally.

now on the IACL website.

Dr Hunter-Henin also discussed thebook at aPluri-Legal webinarin December 2020.Dr Myriam Hunter-Heninresponded to questions put forward by Dr Anne Fornerod (CNRS, France), Dr John Adenitire (Queen Mary London), Dr Prakash Shah (Queen Mary London), Professor Ian Leigh (Durham University), Professor Ratna Kapur (Queen Mary London) and Professor Jim Oleske (Lewish & Clark Law School, USA).

Discussions revolved around the concept of vivre ensemble”, the value and specialness of religion and religious freedom, the meanings of secularism and the majoritarian agenda it hides, the collective aspects of religion and the tensions between religious freedom and public interests, as highlighted recently in the debate over Covid-restrictions.

A recording of the event is available to watch now on .

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