

UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


German Level 5

Prerequisite for entry

Successful completion of German level 4+ at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Centre for Languages & International Education or A Level grade (or equivalent); an extended stay in a German speaking country in the recent past is recommended and/or a very good grasp of the language and the ability to conduct a conversation without difficulty.

Students will be familiar with these grammar and linguistic structures.

Term duration

10 x 2-hour classes


40 hours in total


After 20 hours students may progress to level 5+

Aims and objectives

The course is designed for advanced level students requiring the language for vocational and professional purposes. It covers topics such as current affairs and the latest trends in the German speaking society. The course will enhance knowledge of German, Austrian, Swiss life, society and business culture using complex and linguistically accurate structures (different types of discourse, register).
Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach authentic material, will be further enhanced.


  • giving advice
  • note-taking and summarising
  • expressing and defending views and opinions, critical topic-related comments
  • debating and commenting
  • suggesting, accepting, refusing
  • describing, defining; analysing and evaluating
  • composing written pieces of information for different purposes
  • preparing and giving presentations on complex topics

Course content

To be discussed at the first session, also depending on individual interest.

  • Arbeitsleben, Arbeitssuche, Bewerbungsprozesse
  • ²Ñ´Ç²ú¾±±ô¾±³Ùä³Ù
  • Umwelt
  • Neue Technologien
  • Nachrichten aus der Politik und Kultur
  • Literatur, wenn Interesse besteht
  • Medien



  • reading for gist (skimming), scanning for specific information
  • analysis of current topics in major newspapers/magazines and online


  • very short essays, summaries
  • analysis and review of articles and other materials
  • note-taking
  • preparing presentation outlines
  • applications


  • audio and film extracts
  • plays, presentations and interviews


  • formal and informal discussions, debates
  • role-plays

Linguistic structures

  • analysing/comparing texts from various sources
  • improving listening and reading skills by dealing with a variety of authentic materials

Grammar (selection from the following)

  • revision of tenses (forms and usage)
  • revision and expansion of case system (forms and usage)
  • prepositions; verbs with a fixed preposition ; prepositions with case change
  • relative clauses
  • complex sentences
  • passive past and present and passive replacements
  • subjunctive II and I
  • two-part conjunctions
  • grammar of texts

Learning resources

  • To be discussed at the first session.

Other resources

  • Authentic material from various sources (e.g. press articles on current affairs, websites)
  • Google classroom