

UCL Judicial Institute


2019 Events

Find out more about Judicial Institute events from 2019

Presidency and the Supreme Court: Lord Neuberger’s Legacy

A Lecture by Professor Alan Paterson OBE

Monday 2 December

2019 was a year for reflection for the UK Supreme Court. It was celebrating its tenth anniversary, and witnessing a very substantial renewal of its membership from three years before. In acknowledgment of this the Courtorganised a number of events, including four lectures by Justices from each part of the United Kingdom and a moderated discussion with its.The Judicial Institutefor its part invited Alan Paterson, author ofFinal Judgment: The Last Law Lords and the Supreme Court( Hart Publishing, 2013 ) to give a lecture to an audience ofsenior judges and other stakeholders, from his ongoing project on thePresidents of the UK Supreme Court, on 2ndDecember 2019 entitled, “Presidency and the Supreme Court: Lord Neuberger’s Legacy”. It isreproduced here.

Presidency and the Supreme Court Lecture

Presidencyandthe Supreme Court Lecturepdf

The Rt Hon Sir Brian Leveson President of the Queen's Bench DivisionValedictory Lecture

'Criminal Trials - the human experience'

Thursday 13 June

View Sir Brian Leveson's Speech

Sentencing Discretion & Individualised Justice

Tuesday 19 March

Sir Brian Leveson Valedictory Lecture

The tension between "instinctive synthesis" and sentencing guidelinesin collaboration with UCL Centre for Criminal Law

Panel discussion withThe Hon Justice Christopher MaxwellPresident of the Court of Appeal,

Professor Julian Roberts

Chaired by Professor David Ormerod QCLaw Commissioner for England & WalesProfessor of Criminal Justice, UCL Faculty of Laws

In his introductory remarks, Justice Maxwell discussed the broadly instinctive approach to criminal sentencing in Australia, and discussions about reform in Australia, and more particularly in Victoria.

Professor Roberts drew on his decade long experience asa member of the Sentencing Council of England and Wales to talk about the way in which the Sentencing Council’s work has changed sentencing decision-making, and how judges have responded to the guidance provided.

These comments were followed by a lively Q&A session in which both discussants were invited to expand on their opening comments and requested to opine on areas of particular controversy.