

UCL Judicial Institute


2012 Events

Find out more about Judicial Institute events from 2012

Special UK Supreme Court Seminar

26 November 
The Future of The Judicial Committee of The Privy Council 

The Magistrates' Association Conference

28 & 29 June 
Keynote Speaker: Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP Minister of State for Policing and Criminal Justice

Inaugural Lecture - Purple Haze: The Danger of Being in the Dark about Judges

20 June
Professor Cheryl Thomas, Professor of Judicial Studies, UCL Faculty of Laws
Chair: Lady Justice Hallett

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Interpreting & Generating Rights in Multi-Level Jurisdictions

1 May
UCL Judicial Institute-Yale Law School Collaborative Seminar 

Download the seminar materials: Interpreting and Generating Rights in Multi-Level Jurisduictions (PDF)

IT for Judicial Case Management

27 April
Lord Justice Jackson
Professor Richard Susskind

Critique of civil justice reforms in England

17 April
Monash University Law School, Melbourne
Meeting Challenges in the Civil Justice System
Guest Speaker: Professor Dame Hazel Genn

Lecture details: Meeting Challenges in the Civil Justice System (PDF)

Inner Temple Lecture Series

20 February 
Why Judges and Juries Need (Some) Academics
Professor Cheryl Thomas