

Joint Research Office


Help for Researchers on PPI


The Research Support Centre is building up support for researchers on patient and public involvement (PPI) and now has a dedicated PPI manager.

UCLH and UCL researchers can contact the PPI manager Rosamund Yu on rosamund.yu@ucl.ac.uk.

We also have an online PPI helpdesk that researchers can contact for advice on PPI. The helpdesk can be contacted on ppihelpdesk@ucl.ac.uk

There are many helpful publications - go to Practical guides on PPI for examples. Researchers can also access help and advice at:

The unit supports UCL staff organising public engagement activities. As well as toolkits on organising events, the unit has 2 funding streams - small bursaries of up to £1,500 and grants of up to £10,000.

The service, which has a dedicated PPI lead, offers:

  • individual advice to researchers on the most appropriate PPI for their research
  • help with completing funding applications
  • help finding patients/members of the public through its database of interested London-based individuals and groups
  • PPI workshops and seminars for groups planning to submit funding applications
  • small grants from the Enabling Involvement Fund to help get patients and the public involved in research at an early stage.

This website was set up by London PPI leads and the Research Design Service to bring patients and members of the public together with researchers wanting to involve people in their work. Researchers can use the website to advertise projects looking for patients and the public.

INVOLVE is a national advisory group on public involvement in NHS and is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Resources for researchers include an extensive range of publications (see Practical guides on PPI for a selection) and reports on the impact of PPI on research.

This website provides information for interested members of the public and is a useful place to direct patients to. Researchers wanting to find members of the public to get involved can advertise on the site.