

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Results 2021: IOE expert reaction and comment

10 August 2021

IOE academics respond to A-levels and GCSE results.

20 Bedford Way exterior

With girls earning more top grades than boys in A-level and GCSE maths, Dr Jake Anders and Dr Jennie Golding are asked whether this has anything to do with gender.

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Dr Gill Wyness, Dr Jake Anders and Dr Claire Crawford from the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities discuss the future of assessment and grades.

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“There will be a huge amount of heat and emotions will run really high because families will be able to put a name and face to the person who has come up with the grade” on results day, says Dr Amelia Roberts.

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Dr Jake Anders on bias in teacher-assessed grades:

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Dr Gill Wyness on the problem of grade inflation and the lingering education deficit from the pandemic:

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