

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


STEM education for global citizenship

A project addressing bilingual (Taiwanese-English) teaching challenges in school mathematics using innovative digital technologies.

International School Children Chatting. Norma Mortenson/Pexels.

This project combinesÌýIOE's research expertise on second language acquisition and digitally-enhanced mathematics education, with National Taiwan Normal UniversityÌý(NTNU)'s related research expertise within the country's context.

The project startedÌýin March 2022 and will run through to May 2023.


The long-term goal is to develop a network of researchers from both institutions who share common interests and research goals with a view to developing a strategic and long-term research collaboration.


The project will be conducted in three phases:

Phase 1: May 2021 –ÌýMarch 2022

The project will startÌýby establishing the project management approach, theÌýadvisory group and some common initial research frames and relatedÌýresearch outputs (literature summaries,Ìýblogs and podcasts).

We'll also work to build wider networks within and between UCL and NTNU to identify and develop a common initial research agenda based on addressing the challenges of bilingual school STEM education in Taiwanese schools.

Phase 2: April 2022 –ÌýSeptember 2022

A 10-day exchange visit toÌýUCL for NTNU colleagues will enable us to foster new institutional connections between UCL and NTNU and to develop protocols for the pilot testing of a bilingual STEM curriculum in the Taiwanese context.

Phase 3 October 2022 –ÌýMay 2023

A 10-day exchange visit toÌýNTNU for UCL colleagues will strengthen the new connections within and beyond both institutions.

A series of research outputs (articles for academic and professional publications, blogs and podcasts) will be finalised for publication.

It is anticipated that proposals for future funded research will be prepared and submitted in this period.


Principal Investigators


  • , NTNU
  • , NTNU
  • Dr Chia-Li Debra Chen, NTNU