

UCL Institute of Jewish Studies


2022 Autumn IJS Public Lectures

IJS 2022Autumn Lecture Series

Categorically Jewish lecture photo
Categorically Jewish, Distinctly Polish

19October 2022

With the Institute For Polish-Jewish Studies.

Moshe Rosman (Bar-Ilan University), Chair: Antony Polonsky (Brandeis), Discussant: François Guesnet(UCL).At this book launch ProfessorRosmanwill discuss some principles that have guided his research and writing. He will describe how these shaped and gained expression inCategoricallyJewish, Distinctly Polish.

Recording not available.

The Holocaust and the exile of Yiddish
TheHolocaustandtheExileof Yiddish:
A History ofthe‘Algemeyne Entsiklopedye’

26 October2022

BOOK LAUNCHwith the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies.Barry Trachtenberg (Wake Forest University),Chair: François Guesnet (UCL),Discussants: Antony Polonsky (Brandeis),Sonia Gollance (UCL).

Thisis not only a story about destructionandtrauma, but also one of tenacityandcontinuity, astheencyclopedia’s compilers strove to preservetheheritage of Yiddish culture, to document its near-total extermination intheHolocaust,andto chart its path intothefuture.

Recording link:
Passcode: R=rXQ9p5

Sefer Yosippon lecture photo
SeferYosippon:rediscovering the Jewish past in the Middle Ages

27 October 2022

A lecture when Tessa Rajak will talk about new views ofSeferYosippon:rediscovering the Jewish past in the Middle Ages. Chaired by IJS director Mark Geller (UCL)

Recording link:

The Scholems lecture photo
The Scholems - a German-Jewish familybetweenemancipationanddestruction

3 November2022

A fascinating exploration of the varied lifeandtimes ofThe Scholems- a German-Jewishfamilybetweenemancipationanddestruction.Jay Geller,Professor of Judaic Studies at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland,will talk about the four sons ofArthurandBetty Scholem,all of whom took different paths in the ensuing years of war, revolution, fragile democracyandpersecution. In the 1930s, their journeys variously led to exile, imprisonment,andinternational renown.Chaired by Michael Berkowitz of UCL.

Recording link:

Gemeinsam gegen Deutschland lecture poster
‘Gemeinsam gegen Deutschland’.The Yiddish Press inWarsawandthe Rise of National-Socialism in Germany

9 November 2022

Anne-ChristinKlotz(University of California, Berkeley),Chair: François Guesnet (UCL),Discussant: Antony Polonsky (Brandeis).By analyzing the Warsaw Yiddish daily pressandadditional sources, we can focus on how Polish Jews acquiredanddisseminated subversive knowledge of the goings-on inNationalSocialist Germany in spite of censorshipandrepression in GermanyandPoland alike,andalso on how they initiated campaigns of protestandsolidarity to the benefit of the people being persecuted.

Recording link:
Passcode: U?U5J^P0

A Go-between the third reich lecture picture
AGo-Betweenin the Third Reich - the life of Friedemann Boschwitz

16 November 2022

Paul Michael Kurtz(Ghent University),Chair: Michael Berkowitz (UCL).Friedemann Boschwitz (1909–1974) was one of the last Jews to obtain a PhD during the Third Reich,Boschwitz bound many worlds together: the German and the Jewish, theology and history, academia and the arts, left-wing politics and Zionist nationalism. His is a fascinating and groundbreaking story.

Recording link:

Qohelet lecture photo
(Re)contextualizing Qohelet after two centuries of Modern Research.Qohelet in its Hellenistic Jewish context

22 November 2022

NiliSamet (Bar-Ilan University), Chair:Mark Geller(UCL).

This lecture attempts to explore some of the potential of studying Qohelet within its Hellenistic Jewish context, and therefore the intellectual history of its time and place.

Recording link:

SamuelHirszenberg: A Polish Jewish Artist in Turmoil

29 November 2022

BOOK LAUNCHwith the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies.

ProfessorMirjamRajner, ProfessorRichardCohen,Professor François Guesnet (chair) and Professor Antony Polonsky (discussant).SamuelHirszenbergwas born into a traditional Jewish family in Łódź in 1865.He gradually became attached to Polish culture and language as he pursued his artistic calling.His work, which deserves to be more widely known, intertwined modernism and Jewish themes, and he influenced many later artists of Jewish origin.

Recording link:

Huqoq lecture picture
MakingSpace:TheHuqoqSynagogue Mosaics and the Viewing Experience

1 December2022

Ra'anan Boustan (Princeton),Chair: Sacha Stern(UCL).This lecture considers the sophisticated visual strategies that were employed across the various zones within the synagogue’s mosaic program to structure and mediate the viewing experience. The composition, placement, orientation, and framing of the various mosaic panels or groups of panels in the synagogue conditioned how viewers would have moved through—and thus experienced—the carefully differentiated spaces within the building. This analysis demonstrates the value of an approach to synagogue mosaics that foregrounds their physical placement within the broader architectural environment.

We are sorry to tell you that we are not allowed to circulate the recording for this lecture. This is due to copyright issues with the images. Many apologies, we know this is very disappointing - for us as well as for you.