

UCL Institute for Human Rights


The Political Philosophy of Economic and Social Human Rights: Principles for Progressive Realisation

28 March 2016–30 March 2016, 8:30 am–5:30 pm

Workshop 1 of the UK-Latin America Political Philosophy Research Network

Event Information

Open to



UCL Institute for Human Rights


Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

The UK-Latin America Political Philosophy Research Network is being launched in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 28, with its first workshop on ‘Principles for Progressive Realization for Economic and Social Human Rights’, and a PhD Masterclass Seminar.

We are happy to have institutional support for the network from a British Academy International Partnership Grant and the University College London Global Engagement Fund, and for the Buenos Aires workshop from the Center for Human Rights at Buenos Aires University and the Center for Philosophical Research, Argentina. Two subsequent workshops will take place in Mexico City and London.

Workshop programme

Day 1 - March 28 (Salón Verde)

Intro:– 8.30-9.00 – Welcome to participants and initiation of the Network

Session I – 9.00-11.00:

a) Dr.Saladin Meckled-Garcia (UCL): “What Is Progressive Realization and What Are its Philosophical Challenges?”

b) Dr. Eduardo Rivera López (UTDT): “Social and Economic Human Rights and Agent-Relativity”.

c) Dr. Benedict Rumbold (UCL): “Compossibility and Progressive Realization”.

Tea/Coffee Break - 11.00-11.15

Session II – 11.15-13.15

a) Dr. Mariano Garreta Leclercq (Conicet - UBA): “The Progressive Realization of Social and Economic Human Rights and the Fundamental Right to Autonomy”.

b) Dr. Francisco García Gibson (CIF - UBA): “What Is Really Going On In Conceptual Disputes about Social Rights?”

c) Dr. Gustavo Beade (UBA): “Social and Economic Human Rights and the Right to Punish”.

Lunch - 13.15-14.30

Session III –14.30-17.30

a) Dr. Jeffry Howard (UCL): “Citizens Security, Crime Prevention and Universal Realization”.

b) TBC

Tea/Coffee Break - 15.50 - 16.10

c) Dra. Florencia Saulino (UDESA): “How Clean is Enough: State’s Responsibilities in the Fulfillment of the Human Right to a Clean Environment”.

d) Dr. Ignacio Mastroleo (Conicet - UBA): “The Human Right to Health and Experimental Medicine”.

Day 2 - March 29 (Salón Azul)

Session I – 9.00-11.00

a) Dr. Moises Vaca Paniagua (UNAM-IIF): “Is There a Human Right Against Discrimination?”

b) Dr. Claudio López Guerra (UNAM-IFF): “Political Rights as Human Rights”.

c) María Victoria Inostroza (UG): “Human Rights and Non-Domination: A Global Perspective”.

Tea/Coffee Break – 11.00-11.15

Session II – 11.15-13.15

a) Anahí Wiedenbrug (LSE): “Social and Economic Human Rights and External Debt”.

b) Dr. San Romanelli Assumpção (IESP): “The Physical Integrity of the Global Poor: Notes on Basic Political Legitimacy”.

)Dr. Olof Page (PUCC): “Moralism and Minimalism about Human Rights”.

Lunch - 13.15-14.30

Session III –14.30-16.30

a) Dr. Martín Hevia (UTDT): “The Legal Status of Surrogacy Agreements and the American Convention on Human Rights”

b) Dr. Juan Espíndola (UNAM-IIF): “Arguing for Law-Free Private Schools: The Right to Education”

c) Dr. Alejandro Chehtman (UTDT): “Human Rights and International Crimes: Normative and Conceptual Issues”

Session IV - 16.30-18.00

Open Discussion: consolidating and expanding the Network

a) Publications from the workshops

b) Organisation

c) Future workshops and funding

Evening – Workshop Dinner

Day 3 - March 30 (Salón Verde)

PhD Masterclass Seminar Sessions

Session 1: 10.00-12.00:

“How to Think about Human Rights? Legal Positivism, Practice-Dependent Approaches and Constructive Interpretation”.

Lunch: 12.00-13.30

Session 2: 13.30-15.30:

“Fundamental Concepts in Legal and Political Thinking”.

Tea/Coffee Break: 15.30-16.00

Session 3: 16.00-18.00:

“The Progressive Realization of Social and Economic Human Rights”.

Institutional Acknowledgments

Members of the Network want to thank the following institutions for their financial and/or institutional support:

  • British Academy (UK)
  • Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • University College London, Global Engagement Fund (UK)
  • Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas (Argentina)

For additional information about the Buenos Aires workshop you can contact Dr. Julio Montero:jmnormandia@gmail.com

For further information about the UK-Latin America Political Philosophy Research Network and/or the future workshops in Mexico City and London, you can contact one of the three organisers: