

Institute for Global Health


Sustainability and Petroleum Extraction: Corporate and Community Perspectives

Sustainability and Petroleum Extraction: Corporate and Community Perspectives in Northern Norway and the Russian Arctic

Sustainability and Petroleum Extraction-oilextraction

Project Summary

Many players involved in petroleum (oil and gas) exploration andÌýextraction focus on the importance of social and environmentalÌýsustainability, as key elements of corporate social responsibilityÌý(CSR). Yet there is a lack of common understanding of what CSR andÌýsustainability mean among corporations, local community sectors,ÌýNGOs, and academics.

This project aims to identify and reconcile differences in perceptionsÌýand practices of CSR in Northern Norway and Arctic Russia,Ìýproviding a baseline for cross-border dialogue and collaborationÌýamongst players related to petroleum extraction. New knowledge isÌýgenerated through analysing original case studies in Norway andÌýRussia. We are visiting Hammerfest, Nenets, Murmansk, and Komi.

Quantitative local value creation analyses are used to determineÌýwhat petroleum does and does not do for the local economy.ÌýQualitative interviews are used to examine the views, interests, andÌýeconomic realities of corporations, academics, NGOs, and differentÌýcommunity sectors: local population, local government, and localÌýbusinesses.

The research results will be disseminated to the communities, localÌýgovernments, companies, and research institutions through popularÌýscience and academic publications and presentations as well asÌýthrough local media. The aim is to create the foundation for anÌýongoing dialogue and enhanced collaboration between sectors andÌýregions.